Mission #4: First Date

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It's been a few days since Shorty's funeral. Nicole has sent messages to Waverly every day letting her know she's here to talk or not talk. Feeling a bit brave she shoots a message to Waverly
NH: "Hey Waves! I was wondering if you wanted to get a coffee with me today. Maybe some donuts? Let me know if you're feeling up to it." Nicole leaves her phone on the table while she takes a shower. She gets dressed and feeds Calamity Jane. Calamity Jane is an orange cat that she found at the shelter with attitude issues, but they've learned to get along. "Calamity you're bigger than Garfield now." CJ hisses at her and continues eating ignoring Nicole like she always does.

While Nicole is thinking of what to cook for breakfast she gets a reply from Waverly.
WE: "Hey Nicole. I'm not sure I'm really up for it yet. Might bring your mood down." Nicole appreciates how thoughtful Waverly is even though she's the one going through a tough time.
NH: "It's ok Waves. I don't mind. I just want you to get out of your head for a little bit. I'm buying." Waverly takes a few seconds to reply.
WE: "Ok, let's meet up at the café near the station in 30 minutes."
NH: "Sounds perfect. See ya." Nicole replies hastily and runs to her bedroom to find something better to wear. She spends ten minutes looking for another outfit but settles on what she already has on. It takes her another ten to arrive at the café when she sees Waverly is already there looking as beautiful as ever.

NH: "Hey Waves!" she says hugging her.
WE: "Hey Nicole. How are you?"
NH: "Same as always. How are you though?"
WE: "I'm doing ok. Thank you for all the messages you've sent. They've helped a lot." She smiles genuinely for the first time in a few days and it's all thanks to Nicole.

NH: "Any time Waves. So, let's see, you already know I drink cappuccinos, but what would you like? Coffee or tea? Maybe a donut? I'm buying!"
WE: "Well since you've offered so kindly to pay I would like a green tea please and maybe a vanilla-dipped donut. They're my favorite," she says giggling while Nicole just smiles, her heart getting warmer by the minute.
NH: "Sounds good. Let me order that while you get a table for us ok?" Waverly nods.

They spend the afternoon talking about their past and exchanging high school stories. Waverly finds out about Nicole's parents not accepting her career choice and having to move away at the age of 17 to be on her own. Also that she has always been a sporty kid playing basketball when she was a teenager and rock climbing now and again. Nicole learns that Waverly was a cheerleader, and valedictorian, and voted the nicest person in Purgatory which is something everybody should know by now.

WE: "So Ms. Team Captain do you still play?"
NH: "Yeah, sometimes. There's a basketball court near my house. When I go there I'm usually thinking about things or just trying to clear my head."
WE: "I used to do that with cheerleading. Something about the routine, the crowd, it was so peaceful." Nicole chuckles and grabs another bite of her donut.
NH: "Peaceful? With all the yelling from the crowd and the whistles from the coach.."
WE: "Haha yeah. It sounds contradicting now that I say it out loud."

NH: "It's ok I kinda get it. Do you still talk with your other friends from the team?" They both sip their drinks.
WE: "I don't. When I got together with Champ, we were the popular kids, the perfect couple. Eventually that all fades away when you graduate. Wynonna left and Champ became my go-to person. I started working more shifts at Shorty's and eventually, it turned into a routine."

NH: "Why didn't you ever leave Purgatory? Didn't you want to study history or languages?"
WE: "I did, online. I could never convince myself to leave. Guess there were too many things here that tied me down. Work, family, Champ, the memories."
NH: "And now that it's been a few years?"
WE: "I finally have Wynonna back, new friends like you. Why would I want to leave?" Waverly half smiles and looks through the window at the town that she has become so accustomed to. "Anyways, how about you? You come from the city to a small town. Your parents didn't appreciate the daughter they had. What drew you to Purgatory? I don't think we are in any brochures. Maybe for Halloween towns."
NH: "Well I signed up to be a cop, Nedley was interested in me and something about this town just seemed like home to me. So here I am. I'm liking this town a lot especially the people in it." Nicole winks at Waverly which makes her look down blushing.

NH: "Guessing that you have always lived here in Purgatory?"
WE: "Born and bred." They both laugh at the statement.
NH: "Good to know haha. Well, I'm from Seattle in Washington. Pretty cold weather over there, but when the sun shines it's like no other."
WE: "Do you miss it?"
NH: "I miss the views, but I like the views here too. Since it's a small town there's a lot of nature around it. I even found a forest trail that I could show you someday. It's near the mountains and I've been dying to get a chance to use my climbing gear."
WE: "Oh my God, is there anything you can't do?" Nicole racks her brain looking for something to say.

NH: " Well... I can't sing. At all. I sound like I'm choking so there's that."
WE: "Oh come on. You can't be that bad. I could teach you if you want."
NH: "No thank you, but I would love to hear you sing sometime. Do you write songs too?"
WE: "I dabble here and there."
NH: "Wow. You are more incredible than I thought." Nicole smiles and starts memorizing Waverly's features when she smiles. This view is a masterpiece that has yet to be discovered.

In the middle of a few laughs, Waverly says
WE: "You know Nicole I'm glad we hung out today. You've made me feel so much better and I thank you for that."
NH: "It's no problem Waves. I did this selfishly too because you owed me a coffee date even if I did end up buying the drinks, but I enjoyed the company much more, so thank you." They continue until Wynonna calls Waverly wondering where she is and if she's ok.
WE: "I better go home before she worries, but thank you, Nicole."
NH: "Any time Waves." Nicole goes to her car practically skipping.

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