Mission #17: Stop Willa

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Nicole, knowing she isn't gonna be comfortable running in heels and a dress, goes to the lockers and changes into her uniform. She feels chilly so she puts on her jacket getting warmer by the second. After she's dressed, she calls Waverly's cellphone and can hear it faintly within the station. She verifies the cellblock, the morgue, and the cafeteria. She gets closer and closer to the sound and Nedley's office. She smiles at the thought that even if it was unprofessional she and Waverly got together in that small office. She walks in. 
NH: "Hey! I knew I recognized that ringtone." She sees Waverly and Wynonna and realizes Willa is also there with her gun barrel pointed right at her. She raises her arms. "Woah! Ok. Ok," Nicole steps back and just looks around the room for an opening to take Willa's gun away.

WiE: "Give me Peacemaker or I punch a bunch of holes on Waverly's girlfriend." Finally, Wynonna knows. Nicole looks worriedly at Waverly's face. She know she didn't want to come out yet or at least didn't feel ready to say it to Wynonna. She didn't like Willa before but now that she outed Waverly she couldn't even stand to be near her.
WyE: "Girlfriend?" She asks Waverly. Waverly just looks between them.
WE: "Um, kind of..." Nicole exasperatedly says
NH: "Kind of?!"  Wynonna, feeling more confident than the rest, says
WyE: "I know you won't shoot." Still pointing her gun at Nicole Willa clicks on the safety, removing it.
WiE: "What do I care about some ginger butch cop?"
WE: "Wynonna, she'll do it." Waverly doesn't understand how Wynonna can't see who Willa truly is. 

NH: "Waverly..." Nicole says trying to reassure her but failing miserably.
WiE: "If I don't have it in three." Willa puts her finger on the trigger.
WE: "No, please!"
WyE: "It's the only thing that'll stop Bobo." Wynonna tries to be reasonable.
WiE: "Two." Waverly looks at Wynonna with desperation in her eyes.
WE: "Wynonna."
WyE: "I can't. Please."
WE: "I love her." Nicole hears that and smiles a little, but now is not the time.
WiE: "One." After a moment's thought, Wynonna agrees and gives Willa the gun.
WyE: "Ok. Ok!" Waverly lets out a breath she has been holding since Nicole came into the room.

WiE: "So naive. So emotional." Willa lowers her gun, looking at Wynonna with disappointment.
WyE: "This isn't over. I'm coming for you." Something changes in Willa's demeanor.
WiE: "Then I better slow you down." She points her gun at Nicole and without hesitation shoots her in the chest. Nicole drops face forward on the floor because of the impact. Waverly screams and stares at Nicole. "Now you know what it feels like when people take your things." Willa walks out of the room with no remorse.

Finding the strength she didn't know she had, Waverly runs to Nicole and tries to wake her up. Wynonna looks dumbfounded at Nicole and Waverly but realizes there's no blood oozing out of Nicole. Waverly helps turn over a weak Nicole and tries to keep her calm.
WE: "Come here." Nicole tries to talk, but Waverly doesn't let her.
NH: "I won't.."
WE: "I know, I know." Waverly is shedding tears uncontrollably.
WyE: "No blood." Wynonna says. "There's no blood. If my sister joined the dark side and you've been a revenant this whole time I'm just gonna call in sick tomorrow. Wynonna rips Nicole's shirt open.
NH: "No, I'm wearing a bulletproof vest." Waverly sighs and laughs at this, stroking her girlfriend's face. "It's kind of standard operating procedure when we've got a 404 on our hands." They both look at her without understanding. "Bunch of crazy hicks off their rockers?" She smiles at Waverly.

WyE: "Finally picked the smart one." Wynonna says to Waverly, reminding her of Champ who didn't know anything but rodeo stuff. Wynonna winks at Waverly giving her the approval she much needed for the relationship. Waverly chuckles and looks at Nicole.
WE: "I'm gonna get you to the hospital, ok?"
NH: "No, no. I'm just a little bit bruised. You gotta go with Wynonna and stop your sister. Sorry, but she's kind of a dickhead." Nicole looks to Wynonna hoping that comment didn't make her mad.
WyE: "Wish Doc and Dolls were here." Feeling useful for the second time in the night, Nicole states
NH: "They went to raid Shorty's. Something about an antidote."

Waverly, in awe of her girlfriend, agrees with Wynonna.
WE: "See? Super smart." Not caring about PDA, they kiss, pouring all their love into the kiss. Wynonna, feeling awkward, gets up and looks for Waverly's coat.
WyE: "Yeah, alright. Yeah, you guys do that." She tosses the jacket onto them. "Time's up. Let's go!" They kiss goodbye one more time and the sisters leave. Nicole gets up as best she can and goes to find Nedley. She finds him in the alley with a bunch of townspeople and gathers them near Shorty's. Doc and Dolls arrive a few minutes later with the antidote for them and she helps distribute it. 

In the evening, she goes home and takes a nice, long-needed shower. She still feels sore in the area where the bullet hit her. She puts on a little cream to help with the swelling and sits down on the couch to watch some Golden Girls. An hour later she hears a knock on the door. She finds Waverly on her doorstep.
WE: "Baby." She hugs her tight and closes the door behind them.
NH: "Are you ok?"
WE: "Are you?"
NH: "Yeah, just bruises. That's all."
WE: "Willa's gone."
NH: "Oh my God, baby, I'm so sorry." They sit on the couch and just hold each other.

Nicole feels that Waverly is asleep in her arms so she picks her up gently and takes her to her room. She sets her down on the bed and covers her in her blankets. She texts Wynonna letting her know that Waverly is staying over. She lays down beside Waverly and caresses her cheek.
NH: "I can't believe I'm lucky enough to be with you. It's too soon to say I love you, but I feel like I do. And I'd do anything for you, Waverly Earp." Nicole snuggles up closer to her girlfriend, falling asleep, ready for any adventures they might face next.

The End. For now...

I'm Haught. You?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora