Mission #14: Jack the Revenant

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Early in the morning, Wynonna calls Nicole "
WyE: "There's a situation at the Homestead. Can you come over right now?" Nicole rushes over hoping everything is ok with the Earps. Wynonna comes out of the house. "Ok, so, a stranger attacked our house yesterday and Waverly killed him. Before that, he killed Mattie Perley, the Blacksmith, and Stephanie Jones." Nicole sighs and goes inside the house. She finds Waverly sitting on the couch snuggled by a blanket.
WE: "Nicole. I mean, Deputy Haught." Nicole smiles shyly.
NH: "It's ok Waves, you can call me Nicole even in uniform. How are you feeling?"
WE: "Well I just scissored a stripper." she looks back at Nicole weirdly as the sheriff laughs. "Wait! I didn't mean it like that. Oh, God." Nicole touches her arm, comforting Waverly.
NH: "It's ok, I just wanted to make sure you're good. When you're feeling up to it, you can come down to the station and give your statement of what happened ok?"

WE: "Sounds good. Thank you Nicole for always being so understanding."
NH: "My pleasure. Well, I better talk to Chrissy and let you rest. I'll see you later, Waves." She hugs Waverly goodbye and walks to the cruiser with Chrissy. Chrissy explains as best she can since she was locked in the closet upstairs for most of the evening. If Nicole wasn't so professional she would have laughed at this. Everything about the situation sounds kinda LGBT. Wynonna checks up on Waverly before going outside to talk to Nicole. Waverly walks after her onto the porch to wait for Chrissy and say goodbye to Nicole.

NH: "Your sister ok?
WyE: "Yeah, well, she's being Waverly." Nicole smirks a little
NH: "She did scissor a stripper. So? Any idea why your house was targeted? I mean besides the fact that it's yours." Wynonna looks down at her phone. She's been trying to reach Dolls all night but no answer.
WyE: "You know what, we should get some breakfast. I could murder a sack of pancakes. Then we'll talk, really talk."
NH: "Your boss gonna be ok with that?"
WyE: "My boss isn't here. Guess you're my ride." Wynonna walks over to the passenger's side and gets in. Nicole takes one more look at the porch and sees Waverly waving at her. She waves back and smiles getting into the car.

On the way to the diner, Nicole and Wynonna find themselves being attacked. A man steps out on the highway, Nicole tries to dodge him, but he jumps up on the car and gets to her door. He keeps pulling Nicole out of the car and Wynonna tries to stop him, but he's too fast. Wynonna is yanked out of the car by someone else and cloth with chloroform covers her nose and mouth. The same happens to Nicole. She is in and out of consciousness. She knows she's being carried, but she can't open her eyes. The person carrying Nicole throws her on the floor and kicks her chest. He says something Nicole can't quite understand and she slips back into unconsciousness.

Doc was checking out the place where Constance was standing at the Homestead, seeing if he hit her when he fired his gun. He hears music and follows it. He finds Nicole's cruiser on the road, driving by itself, covered in blood. No Wynonna or Nicole in sight. He runs to the police station and finds Dolls and Nedley.
DH: "Dolls! Dolls!".
RN: "Hold on son, now there's no need for hollering." Nedley says trying to not cause a panic.
DH: "Wynonna and Officer Haught, they've been taken." Nedley yells worried about them.
XD: "What do you mean, taken?"
DH: "Abducted, absconded, whatever the hell you want to call it, they're gone." Dolls hears the commotion and gets out of the office. "He's got them, Dolls. The fiend himself." Doc shows Dolls the jack of spades he found in the car.

Dolls runs into the office and calls Waverly.
XD: "Uh, Waverly, I need you to come down to the station, it's urgent!" Waverly, who was just putting on her bandages, rushes over.
WE: "Hey! Is Wynonna there? I didn't find her at the Homestead and she's not answering her phone. It just goes straight to voicemail." Dolls tries to explain what happened as best he can without upsetting Waverly too much.
XD: "Ok, uh, Waverly. Wynonna and Officer Haught have been taken..."
WE: "What do you mean? By who? When?" Waverly is scared of losing two of the most important people in her life. Dolls just gives her the card Doc found in the abandoned car.
WE: "No!" Waverly is crying and hyperventilating. "Oh, God! Please tell me this isn't happening." Doc tries comforting her.
XD: "I'm sorry Waverly. We will do everything we can to get 'em back safely." Waverly hugs Doc trying to calm herself down.

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