Mission #9: Be normal

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Waverly pours Wynonna another cup of coffee at Shorty's. She's talking about Doc, how he's homeless and she found him near the edge of the forest with a sleeping bag.
WyE: "He nearly got scalped. Ugh! And he's living in a tent a raccoon wouldn't piss on. And I'm pretty sure he hates me, so that's nice." Doc had said no to helping Wynonna. She's stuck between Doc and Dolls, who to work with and who to be with.
WE: "But you and Dolls, you're still working together all weekend alone?" Waverly asks, trying to get an idea of who Wynonna is leaning towards. Personally, Waverly likes Dolls for Wynonna. She still hasn't had a chance to figure Doc out completely.

WyE: "Ok. You're asking why?" Wynonna gives Waverly a knowing look.
WE: "Just trying to keep up." Waverly scoffs at her sister's look. She serves one of the patrons a beer and cleans up the counter.
WyE: "We're gonna track down the last of the seven revenant families that want revenge on the Earps if it kills me." Wynonna looks down at the counter deep in thought and continues. "Hey, you want me to ask him to run some tests on your bony little friend?" Waverly had told her about the skull just to keep the no secrets tradition going plus the skull was on top of the bar counter for anyone to see. Wynonna starts pulling the box towards her.

WE: "Uh, no. Curtis left it to me, and if I give it to Black Badge, I might never see it again. Right?" Waverly grabs the box before Wynonna can get her hands on it.
WyE: "They say I have trust issues.", her sister says sarcastically and walks away from the bar grabbing her jacket and gun. "Are you gonna be ok without me?" She puts on her leather jacket.
WE: "I'm good. I'm a happily single Virgo with hair for days" Waverly moves her hair back and giggles.
WyE: "Well, you get lonely and you call me." Wynonna heads towards the door looking back at Waverly raising her eyebrow.
WE: "Ok. Ok." Waverly didn't want to mention the party she's hosting tonight because she's scared Wynonna will embarrass her if she shows up. Wynonna doesn't get along with her friends and just gets drunk and says things they wouldn't find adequate.

After her shift, Waverly goes straight to the Homestead and starts getting everything ready for the party. She puts on her flashy dress and puts on some music. She sings and dances to the music while setting up the last few decorations. She grabs the skull thinking of where to hide it when Doc comes into the living room.  Doc, being the modern man that he is, asks
DH: "How many tiny pillows does one girl need?" Waverly tries hiding the skull behind her back. "Dare I ask?" Doc notices the item.
WE: "My uncle Curtis left it for me to look after. Human remains, what every girl wants in her inheritance, right?" Waverly jokes, but keeps a pretty tight hold on the skull. She moves it forward and lets Doc get near it.

Doc grabs the skull and turns it upside down, stroking his finger on the top teeth of the skull.
DH: "I don't think this is human. Best be careful who knows you have that." Anxious about what he says she grabs the skull quickly.
WE: "Why?"
DH: "In Bobo del Rey's camp, there were two skeletons, one of which was missing a head." With this new information, Waverly is sure that Bobo del Rey is either working for the Nomadic tribe or is a part of it. Bobo has always been the biggest adversary of the Earps so if he's coming trouble will most likely follow.

WE: "Great. Bobo del Rey, one of the Earp's family's biggest threats."
DH: "My parlay with Bobo is finished. This morning, Wynonna, she requested assistance and..."
WE: "And you told her to go to hell!" Waverly yells mad at Doc suddenly remembering how he acted with Wynonna.
DH: "And it was wrong of me. Too much drink, too much pride." He says, sounding apologetic.
WE: "Hey, wait a second. I wanna record this so that I can replay it to you when you're being a dick." She grabs her phone, turns the camera on, and points it at him. Doc was about to grab the phone when they both get startled by a text Waverly received. Doc is not used to cellphones yet so he says the phone is angry when it vibrates. Waverly sees the text saying her friends will arrive in 10 minutes. "Yeah. You need to go. Girls only tonight. Engagement party. A chance for me to show my friends that I'm not a freak."

DH: "You hunt outlaws that want justice for their family members. Gunslingers cannot foster friendships with civilians, it never works." He laughs at the situation.
WE: "See, you being here is not selling normal." Waverly says looking at Doc's outfit. "So, look, the only invitation you're getting is to move onto our land." Doc looks surprised at the offer. "What? Friends don't let friends be gutted by outlaws in the woods. Plus, you know, it would be nice for us to have some company. You know, chop wood, help us not die."

DH: "That is a generous offer, one that should come from your sister also." He says knowing Wynonna might not agree to this.
WE: "Look, she might not be able to figure you out Doc. But Wynonna doesn't want you dead." She says with sympathy.
DH: "Well I will consider it. I'll sleep in the barn tonight and see if it meets my needs." He jokes making Waverly smile.
WE: "Good."
DH: "You should hide that cranium somewhere safe. You wouldn't want to spoil the revelry." He sings the song that Waverly was listening to when he came in and she laughs.
WE: "Ok, Mr. skull back behind the pillow you go. Wait, no. If they sit and find it, I can't say it's for Halloween, it's too early for that." Waverly runs upstairs looking for a better place to hide it.

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