Mission #2: Become Blackbadge

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Waverly's writing in her diary. This has been a more common occurrence since she met Nicole. "Dear Diary. It's been a few days since I met Nicole Haught and I can't stop thinking about her. I have her number but I don't know if I should text her or not. I feel weird.. like I'm cheating on Champ. Used to think that I wanted to be Mrs. Champ Hardy, now I'm not so sure." Waverly looks up from her diary and sighs. She dismisses the thought and continues writing. "Anyways, I can't think about that today! I have this super important presentation that could get me a job with Wynonna. I'm still skeptical about having her in my life. I'm scared she will leave again, but I will give her a chance to be my sister. For real this time. Hope to see Nicole today and hopefully next time I write in this journal I will have a job with my sister. Anyways, wish me luck."

Waverly gets dressed, casual yet professional. Wynonna gets into the truck and sounds the horn.
WyE: "Baby girl, let's go!" Waverly struggles with all the papers she has in her arms for the presentation, but manages to get in the truck. They get to the station for the Purgatory Police Department. She sees Nicole sitting at the desk really into her paperwork and thinks about saying hello, but she will get distracted so she just keeps walking with Wynonna to BBD's office (Black Badge Division, government agency).

The presentation is going ok... Xavier Dolls, Wynonna's boss, doesn't seem as impressed as she thought he would be, but she keeps trying. Since BBD is a top-secret government organization the info shared in the presentation is not for everyone's ears, so when someone knocks on the door Waverly panics and tries to hide everything.
XD: "Enter," says Dolls after making sure nothing can be seen. Nicole walks in and Waverly can't help but stare. 'She looks so hot in her uniform. Or should I say Haught?' Waverly knows that Wynonna will milk Nicole's last name too.

NH: "Hey. You asked to be alerted whenever things seem unusual about a case?" Nicole sounds kind of nervous to Waverly which is a different side of the flirty woman she met a few days ago.
XD: "Yeah, we're coming. Thanks." Dolls says to Nicole and then speaks to Waverly. "Waverly you're dismissed." Waverly nods in understanding but can tell that somebody is looking at her. Nicole is watching her with a smile. Waverly also notices that Dolls is looking between them.

WE: 'God! Nicole, please don't look at me like that. Even Dolls can see that you like me...I don't mind, but if Champ finds out, there's gonna be trouble.' Waverly thinks. Dolls leaves acting like nothing happened moving past Nicole and she soon follows smiling at Waverly before closing the door. 'Could she be any more adorable right now?' She gets interrupted by Wynonna who congratulates Waverly on being part of the team now.

"Dear Diary! I'm back and I have a job!! I'm so excited to spend more time with Wynonna. This will surely bring us closer together. Dolls might be a stick in the mud, but he sure is sexy. Speaking of sexy and Haught....oh yes. I saw Nicole today. She looks so good in her uniform. It should be a crime to be that good-looking. Anyways, I have to go. Champ wants me to see him wrestle with some friends...great. I might text Nicole tomorrow and see if we can get that coffee I owe her. Who knows?"

While Champ and his buddies are wrestling, Waverly finds herself thinking of Nicole. What could she be doing right now? Is she working? Is she at home watching a movie or TV series? What kinds of series does she like watching? These and many other questions keep Waverly sane while her boyfriend tries to impress her by beating up one of his friends.

After an hour or so, she tells Champ she's going home because she has to work early tomorrow.
CH: "Oh, come on babe! Shorty's doesn't open until 11 am." Waverly rolls her eyes.
WE: "Champ, I told you. I'm working with Wynonna now. They asked me to help out with a case." Champ wasn't listening to her because he was too focused on a wrestling move that was playing on TV of his favorite wrestler. "Anyways, I'm leaving. Good night, everyone."

Champ goes after her and stops her from getting in the car.
CH: "Hey, at least say goodbye. You know how I love our goodbyes." Waverly kissed him lightly and he deepened the kiss. While kissing him, she thought of Nicole. She wondered how soft her lips were, if she was gentle or if she was rough like Champ. She couldn't imagine Nicole being anything like Champ. She kept comparing them and it wasn't helping the situation.

She pushed Champ away after realizing she was still kissing him and he probably wanted more and she wasn't in the mood.
WE: "Ok! I gotta go home. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
CH: "Come on Waverly! Don't be like that. You can't just kiss me like that and expect me not to get a boner." Waverly didn't care. She got in the car and rolled the window down.
WE: "Take a cold shower babe. I really gotta go. Bye!" She backed out of the parking and drove home.

Waverly and Champ have lived together above Shorty's for the past couple of months. Not officially because Champ still lived with his parents, but he spent most of the time in her apartment. It's a small room that was supposed to be for storage, but Gus turned it into a studio when she saw that Waverly needed her own place, and living at the Homestead by herself wasn't an option.

The Homestead was where Willa, Wynonna, and Waverly spent their childhood until their dad, Ward Earp was killed. Willa was taken by their dad's killers and Wynonna and Waverly moved in with Gus and Uncle Curtis. When Wynonna was old enough, she left and Waverly stayed trying to fix the Earp name and getting out of Wynonna's shadow.

The Homestead didn't feel like home then, but now that Wynonna's back they could fix it up and move there together. Waverly hadn't mentioned this to Wynonna, but she had been thinking about it for a while. Wynonna was already staying at the Homestead sometimes. There was no electricity or bed or at least a sofa to sleep on, but she didn't want to burden Gus. Maybe now that Wynonna's back Waverly could have a chance of having a real family.

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