Mission #12: Visit to the Morgue

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Wynonna and Nicole head down to the morgue with the autopsy report of Joyce Arbour in hand, victim number 3.
WyE: "Ugh!" Wynonna says, shivering while entering the morgue. Nicole scoffs.
NH: "Yeah, they say you get used to the smell." She looks at the name tag on one of the three bodies on the tables.
WyE: "I spent a summer's probation on roadkill removal. Pfft! This is nothing" Wynonna walks around one of the bodies feeling a bit jumpy. She seems to be drawn to the body furthest from the door and Nicole points out that it is Joyce.

Wynonna takes a chug of the whiskey they haven't finished.
NH: "Yeah, here she is." Nicole found Joyce's name tag. Wynonna joins her, placing the bottle on top of the table. Nicole, finding this disrespectful, moves the bottle to the floor. Wynonna takes off part of the white cloth covering Joyce to take a better look. Nicole hadn't noticed it before. "She kinda looks like you, Wynonna." Wynonna can feel a pool of blood forming in her nostril.

WyE: "Jesus Christ! Who did this?" Wynonna looks at the wounds and winces.
DR: "Someone who knew what they were doing." says a man standing behind. They both get startled, almost jumping out of their skins.
WyE: "Dude!! This is a morgue, wear a bell or something, ok?" Wynonna says from behind Nicole who automatically went into protection mode and stood in front of Wynonna, her hand on her holstered gun.
DR: "Sorry. Once a ninja, always a ninja. Plus I forget I'm wearing these cotton balls for shoes. They, uh, help absorb the smell. But, you too pretty ladies don't care about that. Um, I'm Dr. Reggie, the unlucky SOB who has to make sure the dead don't rise again."

Wynonna says sarcastically looking at the body,
WyE: "You suck at your job."
DR: "Uh, excuse me?" says the doctor, not understanding what Wynonna means.
WyE: "Never mind." Nicole, feeling a bit soberer and annoyed asks
NH: "Did you do this autopsy report?" The doctor grabs the report from her hands.
DR: "Uh... If I'd done this, I wouldn't have misspelled breasts. I can tell you something about the body." Wynonna looks up at him. "I did my examination."
WyE: "Anything unusual or creepy about the wounds or the way she died? Wynonna wonders if an outlaw did this.

DR: "Well, she died because humans can't survive when their organs are removed." He eats a piece of licorice he had in his hand.
WyE: "She was alive when he took them out?"
DR: "Correct. But the incision isn't what killed her. He drugged her, and hooked her up to an IV, a blood bag, just like any surgeon would doing open heart or intestinal surgery. But here is the uber-weird part: the wounds were cauterized as they were made." Nicole couldn't understand what he just said.
NH: "So he cut her open with something hot?"
DR: "Like a lightsaber hot." He keeps eating the licorice as if this is the most normal conversation.

WyE: "Hellfire hot." Wynonna speculates.
NH: "Alright, so you remove the organs if you're gonna sell them on the black market. Why would you take 'em out and put 'em back in?"
DR: "Maybe somebody was looking for something." Wynonna just stares at the body. "You keep looking at her neck."
WyE: "Yeah, there's a welt. Dude, I saw on the photos it's the shape of a spade-like on a deck of cards." Dr. Reggie walks over to take a look.
DR: "Sweet crickets! I missed that entirely."
NH: "What would've caused that?" Nicole is standing on the other side of the body and leans over the body to see the shape of a tiny spade on the neck.

WyE: "Well, she was hit by something in the shape of a spade, right?"
DR: "I mean, sure, yeah. Or it could have been prolonged pressure. Did you study forensics?" Reggie guessed. Before she can answer no, they hear footsteps walking outside of the morgue and they look around trying to pinpoint from where. The light of the cooler turns blue. "Someone just went into the cooler. You guys come alone?" Reggie says.
WyE: "I don't know, did we?" Nicole just unholsters her gun and starts walking towards the door.

NH: "Is there more than one way of getting inside the cooler?"
DR: "Uh, yeah. Rear exit." Nicole decides to go check it out.
NH: "Alright, I got it. Don't shoot me, Earp." Nicole walks outside feeling scared and nervous but finds that the back door is locked and hasn't been opened in a bit. Meanwhile, Wynonna checks out through the front door storming in trying to scare whoever was inside. She double-checks anything and everything, but no one is in there. The door slams shut behind her and dr Reggie.
WyE: "Nicole?!"

DR: "Ok, I get it, right? MacGilly sent you. Haze the new guy? Real original." Dr. Reggie thinks that this is a prank set up by his boss. He leaves and Wynonna soon follows, making sure that none of the bodies have moved. She closes the door. They go back to the table where Joyce's body is, but it has been moved. Her face is facing towards them instead of up, her eyes and mouth are open and she has a card in her mouth, the jack of spades. Nicole arrives.
NH: "The door was locked. I couldn't get in." She sees the body has been moved and looks at Wynonna showing her that she's bleeding from her nose again. "Jesus, Wynonna!" Wynonna cleans up her nose a bit and sighs feeling frightened.

They leave the morgue in a hurry. Wynonna runs to the lunchroom of the station to find some alcohol to calm down since they left the bottle downstairs and she wasn't going back. Nicole follows after her, worried. Knowing that she was looking for liquor she says
NH: "Nobody keeps booze in here Wynonna. Except you. You wanna tell me what the hell is going on?" She leans on the table while Wynonna looks through the cabinets.
WyE: "Yeah. dry morgue air is murder on the schnoz." Her defense mechanism makes another appearance.

NH: "Bullshit! I think somebody's trying to scare you, toy with you. Why?" Nicole just wants to help and understand. If it has to do with Wynonna it may affect Waverly too and she has to protect her friend.
WyE: "I picked up this case, like, an hour ago, how could..." Nicole finished her sentence
NH: "...it is connected to you? Yeah, I would like to know that too. Are people getting eaten by something? Call Wynonna. Guy gets murdered by a man in a mirror? Yeah, Wynonna to the rescue." Nicole lets out everything she's been thinking since she started this job.

WyE: "Black Badge specializes in cases that are, uh, too complex for rookie flatfoots, so it makes sense that you're a bit confused." Nicole states with certainty
NH: "I'm not."
WyE: "Alternately... I don't suppose you have a deck of playing cards in this utility belt, huh?" Wynonna is suspicious about Nicole who conveniently appeared after the body was moved.
NH: "Excuse me?" Nicole can't believe what she's hearing.
WyE: "How do I know you didn't double back to mess with the body? Yeah, you're interested in me and my sister. Maybe I should be grilling the shit out of you. Maybe you're the crazy one." Wynonna says all up Nicole's face.

NH: "You of all people should know better than to try to make me question my sanity." Nicole leaves pissed off that Wynonna said all of that to her. She goes and continues her paperwork ignoring Wynonna. Wynonna, back at the lunchroom, feels upset that she told Nicole all of that. She remembers when nobody believed her and locked her up in juvie, making her feel insane after she shot her dad in the back when she and Waverly were little. She didn't mean to do it, but they were taking him, she grabbed his gun, aiming towards one of the men that were dragging him away, but she hadn't received any practice with the gun like Willa, her older sister.

That night they took Willa, she killed her dad and everything took away her innocence. She had to take care of a young Waverly who didn't understand much about what was happening and she barely understood herself. She was sent to juvie, she joined a gang and made it on her own, leaving Waverly with Gus and Curtis knowing they would take better care of her.

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