Mission #7: Make better choices

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CH: "Your Uncle's last wish was to go to the bar? What, did he want you to pour some out for his homies?" asks Champ after they arrive at Shorty's. Waverly reads the note again.
WE: "Every day I sit. My beautiful mug in front. There is but one tune." Waverly walks around the bar trying to see if the riddle leads to anything near the counter or where he used to sit, a chair that now has a plaque with his name on it. "He sat here. Every day."

CH: "Yeah, but what about a beautiful mug? The old dude drank whiskey. From a glass." Champ says chewing his gum loudly.
WE: "Yeah... Did he have a favorite drinking song or something?" Waverly wonders.
CH: "With his voice? More like a sack of ferrets fighting." Champ is now playing pool and Waverly sighs.
WE: "You know when I was little he used to sing to me at bedtime." She laughs thinking back to the time when he would sing "Pop Goes the Weasel" and realizes that's a tune that can be played on the piano.

Once she hits that last note on the piano keys a door opens up at the bottom of it revealing a box with a letter.
CH: "God if you aren't the smartest thing on two amazing legs." Champ says now interested in what the box contains. "Oh, God. I hope it's a million dollars. We could open a little bar down in, um, Buenos Aires. Huh? I've always wanted that for us. " It's not a million dollars, just a really old skull with a note that says
UC: "Waverly, darling, you are now the Keeper of the Bones. Guard this and tell no one but the Blacksmith. You're the only one I can trust. Love, Uncle Curtis". Waverly feels honored that Uncle Curtis would trust her enough with this task as weird as it is while Champ is disappointed that Wynonna got the bike, the cooler of the two items.

WE: "He always said I was meant for bigger things. Paid for every one of my crazy online courses. Dead languages, offbeat history. God, it used to drive Gus nuts. He believed in me. I can't think of a better gift." said Waverly proud of her Uncle's gesture. Champ leans on Waverly and puts his arms around her waist.
CH: "You know, you'll always be the keeper of my boner." He laughs as if it's funny. This was the last straw for Waverly. She couldn't hold back any longer. "Come on! Let's shut that brain off for a little while." She pushed him away roughly pissed off at his attitude.

WE: "No! I don't want to shut my brain off! Ok? I don't want to be a barmaid in Buenos Aires either. And it turns out that a boner and a pickup aren't the whole enchilada." She can't believe she is finally saying these words. "We're done. Yeah, we're done, Champ. And I've got work to do." She grabs the box with the note and leaves feeling free for the first time in a long time.

Champ grabs her arm stopping her.
CH: "Are you serious? After all these years you're dumping me?"
WE: "Yes Champ. You're so immature. You only think about sex or rodeo stuff. You don't even have a real job. All you do is help your buddies out and get some extra cash."
CH: "Waverly, please. I can change. I can get a job if you want. I'll learn languages if it makes you happy. I don't understand much of what you're saying, but you're it for me."

WE: "Champ. You will find somebody else. Hopefully, it's a girl who can make you happy. Who knows? Maybe you already met her, but were too distracted with me to even notice."
CH: "Come on baby, please. Don't leave me. I can change. I'll even stop asking for sex. We could even be open to other people, you know, to spice things up." Waverly laughs wholeheartedly.
WE: "So you want to stay with me and have sex with other girls too? Goodbye Champ. Lock the door on your way out." Waverly walks past him and finds her Jeep parked behind Shorty's.

She's finally free of Champ. She could be with Nicole if they both want to. She could do everything she has on her list. The feeling she had it's like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. She felt as if a big rock was tied with a chain to her leg and she was dragging it around for years. Now she feels like running and jumping. She sits in her car and screams with joy.
WE: "Ok. Ok. What should I do now? Should I text Nicole and see where this goes? Should I go to the Blacksmith's alone or wait for Wynonna?" She laughs again and looks at her reflection in the mirror. "Oh my God. I finally get to take control of my life and make the decisions I want to make." She turns on the radio and backs out of the parking space she was in. She sings all the way home ballads, rock, some punk, and maybe a little Kanye. Her joy could infect the whole town and spread like a virus. She didn't realize it then, but what she was feeling was freedom and it's a feeling she will never lose sight of again. Every decision that she makes now falls into her own hands like a normal human being. Her first official decision was to go home to get a celebratory drink and then visit the Blacksmith. She will text Nicole later and maybe they could go out and celebrate.

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