Mission #10: Get better friends

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She finishes decorating the cupcakes and places them on the table when someone knocks on the door. She inhales deeply and opens the door.
WE: "Welcome to the party." She says with excitement, but it's just Stephanie Jones and Chrissy Nedley standing there."Oh, Chrissy, Steph, where is everybody?" They both look at each other and chuckle showing off the giant bottles of alcohol they both brought. They come into the house.
Stephanie Jones: "Rach and Sonja bailed. They were too freaked to come to the Murder House."

Waverly feels disappointed and a bit upset
WE: "It's not a murder house, it's my home." Stephanie ignores Waverly's tone and continues
SJ: "Murder house, murder home.. I'm kidding. It looks great. We're just surprised you ended up moving back in with Wynonna". Chrissy speaks for the first time since she came in.
CN: "This doesn't seem healthy, Waves." Waverly rolls her eyes
WE: "What? To put the past to rest and move on? Aren't you the ones who got me like five Dr. Phill books?" She says as she cuts the price tag off a pillow. "See? Look, it's cute. You know, shabby chic."

Chrissy trying not to mess with Waverly too much says
CN: "I don't care where we are as long as we're all together. Here's to moving on." They clink their glasses together and gulp down the alcohol.
WE: "And Steph being engaged. Again."
SJ: "Yeah! And to bargain-bin decorating." They all stare at each other awkwardly and drink another glass.

Waverly grabs Stephanie's hands to get a better look at the ring.
WE: "Very sparkly."
SJ: "Right? Thank God he finally grew a pair and got it back from his ex." Stephanie tells Waverly.
WE: "So, when are we going shopping for the bridesmaid's dresses?". She says looking forward to the occasion.
SJ: "Oh, we already did." Chrissy looks at Waverly with pity.
CN: "Thanksgiving weekend in the city. Merlot, shopping, spa day. It was fabulous." As if Waverly wasn't feeling left out already, they tell her that.

Chrissy tries excusing their behavior by saying
CN: "You've just been so busy reconnecting with Wynonna...Ignoring your boyfriend.." Waverly thought it was clear, but with pleasure, she reminds them she and Champ are done. "Good for you," Chrissy says a bit proud of Waverly. Stephanie with her sarcastic attitude just says
SJ: "Yeah, but Champ was so.."
WE: "What? Ignorant? Immature?". Just a few of Champ's defects.
SJ: "Indulgent. He loved you. I mean I'm not trying to be mean here, but there aren't exactly a bunch of dudes lined up waiting to date an Earp."

If she didn't want so badly to be in her friends' good graces she would have said something at that comment. Chrissy gets startled when she sees the shadow of a man through the window.
CN: "There's a man outside! Like, a cute lumberjack, cowboy light-more-than-your-fire kind of man". She gets excited at the idea that it might be a stripper Waverly called.
SJ: "You got a stripper?" Stephanie also gets excited at the idea that could bring some life to this dead party.

Waverly runs to the door and finds Doc with wood for the fire on his hands.
DH: "Don't be cross. I got wood." The girls look Doc up and down.
SJ: "I'll bet you do." Stephanie eyes Doc up and down.
WE: "Just in time. Come on in honey." Waverly drags Doc inside. "He's not a stripper, but maybe we can play a bit of poker to lighten up the mood." They all nod and Doc just goes with it since it's warmer inside.

They play a round of poker which Doc wins. In the second round, Stephanie says playfully
SJ: "So...is this strip poker? I'm not shy" while unbuttoning her blouse a bit. Doc looks to Waverly pleading for help.
WE: "Nop! You're engaged." Chrissy adds
CN: "Maybe we can just bet pennies. I think I'm more comfortable with pennies" trying to avoid a game of strip poker with just one guy. Stephanie ignores Chrissy and asks Doc
CN: "Is it true that everybody has a tell?"
DH: "Well, I most certainly do not."

WE: "Henry has the biggest tell of all." Doc panics when Waverly says that as if he's hiding something.
DH: "You're bluffing."
WE: "Wanna bet?" Waverly asks.
SJ: "I'll bet that this is the lamest engagement party in history." Stephanie blurts out.
DH: "Well a hostess is only as good as her company." Doc says trying to help Waverly out. He turns over all the cards in the game. Stephanie thinks she has the upper hand, but Doc proves her wrong. "Well, you best re-button your blouse, cause all the heat's over here on my girl." Waverly wins the game with a pair of kings.

There's a creaking noise outside the house and Doc goes to check it out. Chrissy, a little scared, asks
CN: "What was that?".
DH: "Barn's door has come open, that's all. I'll see to it." Doc leaves and unholsters his gun in case somebody is in the barn. Doc sees Mattie badly wounded in the barn saying incoherently
MP: "She's coming. I tried to stop her." Doc looks around.
DH: "I'll have someone call a physician." Mattie says no.
MP: "This kind of wound won't heal. I'm dead already, John Henry Holliday." Doc has never seen this woman before.
DH: "Have we met?"
MP: "There isn't much time. You know Constance Clootie, also called the Stone Witch?" Doc is now mad at the name.
DH: "I'm familiar with her work." Mattie struggles to talk.
MP: "Waverly Earp has something she desires. Her boy."

The skull is part of the sons of the witch of the tribe.
MP: "If she unites what was scattered, she will let the outlaws of Wyatt Earp loose and set them free of the Ghost River Triangle. She will kill the girl." Mattie says her last few words as a warning "Come the Witching Hour, Constance will be upon you." Ready to meet his greatest enemy, Doc sounds determined.
DH: "Oh, I'll be waiting for her."
MP: "No! She's too strong, you must warn Waverly and take her away." Mattie tries to stop Doc from a suicide mission. "I will tell you how to kill the witch if you swear to me you will take Waverly away. Now."

Giving her what she needs, Doc just swears he will do it.
MP: "Ok. First, you must collect something of her flesh, hair, and blood. Dipped in it, this gallow silk will lessen her powers. It will bind her. But you need to be patient when you hunt her. She's vulnerable only after the Witching Hour." Before she can say anything else Mattie dies from her wounds, leaving Doc with unanswered questions. He hears Waverly coming nearer to the barn so he lets her know there's nothing in the barn and they walk back to the house.

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