Mission #13: Don't die

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Doc was smoking outside while the girls were wrapping up the party. Chrissy and Waverly were talking in the kitchen.
CN: "Did you make that cake?"
WE: "Yeah, it was my aunt's recipe, and then.." Waverly stops talking. She notices Stephanie is gone and finds her trying to climb the stairs.
SJ: "What's upstairs? Wynonna's grow op?" Hinting that she thought Wynonna sold weed.
WE: "We don't go up there." says Waverly nervously.
SJ: "Oh, geez, relax. Honestly, Waverly, you've gotten so weird." says Steph tired and annoyed.
WE: "Sorry. It's just, we use it for storage, that's all." Waverly apologizes sheepishly.

Steph climbs down the stairs and walks towards the door.
SJ: "Uh-huh, whatever. I'm gonna go bum a cigarette off Henry." She opens the door and sees a tall man standing there in a post office worker's office.
FS: "Special delivery," he says.
SJ: "O-M-G, bitch! You did hire a stripper." She pulls the man into the house.
FS: "Uh, no, I-i just have a package." Which he was holding but her friends didn't care and started stripping the man.
SJ: "Is it a big package?" Stephanie jokes while dancing.

WE: "Ok Magic Mike, show us your moves." Waverly looks suspiciously at the man she didn't hire and he looks back at her knowing her cover is blown. He looks towards the shotgun and an ax that is near the chimney and then at Waverly. The clock sounds announcing the witching hour. They hear gunshots coming from outside. The man takes the opportunity to grab Waverly and choke her. Her friends scream. He asks, yelling
FS: "Where is the skull, little girl?"

SJ: "Put her down! That is not sexy!" her friends yell at him, scared. Doc comes into the house and draws his gun on the man, but Waverly takes the pair of scissors that was tucked behind her skirt and hits the man on the head, killing him. They both drop to the floor and Waverly asks worriedly
WE: "Where's Chrissy?!"

No one knew this except Doc, but Constance Clootie was on the homestead standing outside waiting for her minions to get her son's skull for her. Inside the house, Waverly was panicking.
WE: "I killed someone."
DH: "It was him or you." said Doc.
WE: "What were you shooting at out there?" Waverly asks Doc.
DH: "Stone Witch. My sworn enemy."
WE: "Constance Clootie? Funny how the woman that you were looking for happens to find you. Here. " Waverly can't believe Doc didn't tell her about the Witch. Steph tries desperately to get a signal to call for help.
SJ: "Your Murder House's reception is balls!"

DH: "She stuck me at the bottom of an old well. And then Wynonna showed up to retrieve Wyatt Earp's gun and left me a rope dangling, and here I am." Waverly grabs a bottle of salt and starts spreading it in a line near the door.
WE: "Ok, well she might be able to get onto our land, but she's not coming into our house unless we invite her." Stephanie yells at Waverly
SJ: "You are just as mental as your sister."

WE: "Yes! Ok, Stephanie, you're right! It's all true. I am a freak! Wynonna's a freak. Doc's a freak. But I'm a freak who knows that the most lethal place to stab someone bigger than you is through the ear. Yes, I'm the freak who knows that witches can't cross lines of salt, which is pretty handy right now. And I'm the freak who, six months ago, would have been too polite to mention that the big old diamond on your finger, not only is it cubic zirconium, but it is ugly as shit!" Stephanie feels appalled.
SJ: "You bitch!"

WE: "So for once in your life, please, just be smarter than you look and just shut up!" Doc gives Waverly the whiskey bottle and she takes a mouthful. Stephanie screams when she sees the man Waverly stabbed behind them trying to reach Waverly. Doc shoots him, but he won't budge.
WE: "You can't kill him because he's already dead." She opens the door to the kitchen and they push him outside. "Ok! So she can make zombies. Yeah, that's neat! Wait, you said Bobo has two skeletons and the skull is part of them. Oh, she's trying to resurrect them."

DH: "Where did you hide it?" Doc just wants his revenge on the witch and will do anything to trap her.
WE: "No, I'm not supposed to give it to anybody, ok? Look, I'm its keeper. It's somewhere safe."
DH: "What a pity we can't say the same things about ourselves." says Doc looking around.
SJ: "Screw you Satanist party poopers!" Stephanie leaves and gets killed by one of the witch's minions. The Witch resurrects her. Stephanie, Mattie, the postman, and another one of her minions walks towards the house. Waverly and Doc lock themselves in the house and call Wynonna. Waverly tells Wynonna what's happening as quickly as she can.
WyE: "Wait, Waves, slow down. What do you mean, you killed a stripper?"

Wynonna drives like a mad woman to the Homestead.
WE: "Ok, Wynonna's on her way." Waverly says as she and Doc block the door with a bookcase. "How far do you think we are from the Jeep?"
DH: "Too far. They'd be on us as quickly as devils on sin. Now in my experience dynamite solves everything. They can't kill us if they're in pieces."
WE: "Oh yeah sure, dynamite, Doc, let me just get that from the kitchen. These things are under a spell, they're puppets, we have to cut their strings." says Waverly trying to be logical.

DH: "Well, their puppet master is a witch that will kill you as soon as she looks at you or worse." a window shatters and they run to the stairs. "We'll have a better chance on higher ground. Throw me some things I can hit 'em with." Waverly runs upstairs to get the skull. She walks into Willa's preserved room, feeling awkward, and walks to the closet. She opens the door and finds Chrissy hiding there and they both scream.
CN: "I'm sorry! I know upstairs is off-limits. Dad always said to put as many people as you can between you and the intruders."

She grabs a toolbox and says
WE: "This is Willa's room. I mean, it was Willa's room." She takes out a screwdriver and works with a vent that is behind the room table in the room. There she finds the hidden skull which no one would find.
CN: "Did you call my dad? Did you call the police?" says Chrissy desperate.
WE: "Wynonna's on her way. She's the best chance we've got. Ok, just please trust me, Chrissy."

CN: "Ido. I always have. Do you remember that time when we were 12, and the boys tried to lock me in a porta-potty? You took a stick and you came out and you started whacking the leader in the balls." Waverly chuckles at the memory.
WE: "Champ Hardy, God he was a dick and three-quarters back then."
CN: "Well, you never stayed out of a fight Waves. You always knew how to win it, by any means necessary. Willa would be very proud of her little sister. I know Wynonna is."

Waverly, razzled up by the speech Chrissy gave, decided to leave the house and confront the stone witch by herself and without a jacket with all the dang cold.
WE: "She's just another bully." Chrissy went down the stairs to find Doc.
CN: "She said she's sorry she lied and then she just left out the window."

Waverly walks out of the house without being noticed by the zombies. She steps closer to the witch.
CC: "Give me my boy," says Constance with desperation in her voice.
WE: "He's not just your boy anymore. The blacksmith bound him to me." Constance commands her minions to keep attacking the homestead furious at Waverly. "Wait, no! All I wanna know is why you trapped Doc, why do you hate him." "Because he was loved by Wyatt Earp and Wyatt Earp killed my boys."

CC: "There's an evil greater than the outlaws and it's coming." says Constance menacingly.
WE: "Yeah, well, we'll stop it. Haven't you read a romance novel lately? Heroes always win."
CC: "Give me the skull or I will pry from your lifeless hands." Waverly says no and throws the skull against the barn. It shatters into a million pieces, making Constance scream out in pain and sending Waverly flying towards the barn hurting her arm.
CC: "You will die."
WyE: "Someone will." says Wynonna after seeing her sister get hurt.
DH: "She's mine." says Doc pointing the gun at the witch. He shoots and she disappears.

Wynonna runs over to Waverly to make sure she's ok.
WyE: "You ok?" Waverly sadly looks at her hand
WE: "I'll never play the piano again."
WyE: "Do you play the piano?
WE: "No, but I wanted to learn someday." Waverly scoffs.
WyE: "That was brave. Stupid, but brave. Let's get you back inside and check your arm. I'll call Nicole in the morning." Waverly looks at Doc with a disappointed look. Wynonna goes and talks to Nicole about what happened and Waverly decides to eat something after the rush hour they just lived through.

Doc walks over to her.
DH: "I have something I need to say." Waverly was so disappointed she didn't even care.
WE: "Mattie tried to warn you and you didn't care. Because you knew if you told me about Constance, I'd take the skull and leave. You used us as bait."
DH: "The witch is all I want in this world. It's what kept me alive in that well, kept me sane. I forgot about the other stuff, the living stuff. I understand if you hate me." She answers back defensively.
WE: "I don't hate you Doc. you're the scorpion, I'm the frog. Google it" seeing the confused look on his face.
DH: "I suppose this bears repeating to Wynonna."
WE: "At least be man enough to tell her yourself. You do love her after all."
DH: "Love. well, that's a bit rich." Waverly stands exasperated.
WE: "There. You wanted to know what your tell at poker is? Simple. You're always, always lying." she storms off upset.

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