Mission #3: Rescue Wynonna

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Before going on her shift at Shorty's, Waverly texts Nicole.
WE: "Hey Officer Haught. No, delete that. Hello sweetie. No, I can't send her that either. Hey Nicole, it's Waverly. Yeah, ok that sounds good. Let's meet up for coffee today before my shift. Let's say 11ish. Ok, sent." Immediately she receives a reply from Nicole.
NH: "Good morning Waves. Hope you slept well. I would love to see you today, but I'm at work and I can't right now. Maybe tomorrow? It's my day off."

Waverly is a bit sad that she won't see Nicole today.
WE: "Tomorrow sounds perfect! See you then! Have a nice shift." Nicole replies.
NH: "Perfect! You too Waves."
WE: "Waves. I like that. It's better than when Champ calls me sexy, that's for sure." Waverly sighs and gets ready for her shift at Shorty's. "Today is gonna be a long day."

Nicole can't believe she had to say no to Waverly because of work, but she will see her tomorrow. Her shift goes on pretty much like every day nothing too serious, a cat stuck on a tree, a few parking tickets, and more paperwork. Almost nothing ever happens in Purgatory. At least not in the police department. Whatever Wynonna and Waverly work on peaks Nicole's interests, but every time she asks anything about it, she says it's on a need-to-know basis.

Nicole doesn't understand what drew her to Purgatory. When got the call from sheriff Nedley asking her to be a deputy, she was over the moon. Her first job was offered to her. She knows she had good grades and that she stood out from her other classmates, but she didn't think it was that much. She's never seen herself as extraordinary, maybe just average or above average. Her thoughts get blown away by her boss coming into the room.

Suddenly Randy Nedley, the Sheriff, asks Nicole to get in the cruiser because there's a possible hostage situation at the hardware store.

They get there as quickly as they can, Wynonna and Dolls already on the scene. Nedley walks towards them.
RN: "Got a report of shots fired, a hostage situation. Should I call the Tac team?" He says to Dolls.
XD: "It'll take them an hour to get here from the city. You take your cues from me. " Dolls answers back.
RN: "So we just stand around with our thumbs up our asses." jokes Nedley.
XD: "And if that's how you've been trained, feel free." Dolls says with a look that could kill.

Wynonna starts talking with Dolls. Nicole doesn't understand how someone with a criminal record like Wynonna is acting like a cop right now.
WyE: "Hostage-taking is about bargaining, right? We have things they want." she says.
XD: "No. Too risky. They'll kill you." says Dolls. It sounds like Wynonna is suggesting to go in willingly to take control which sounds stupid.

Nicole can't even believe her eyes. Dolls is letting Wynonna go in there, unarmed and unprotected to negotiate with the kidnappers.
NH: "This is going to go downhill so fast." Nicole whispers. One of the kidnappers lets Wynonna into the store meanwhile Dolls, Nedley and Nicole are pointing their guns at the door hoping that Wynonna can negotiate.

While Wynonna tries to get the kidnappers to release the hostages in exchange for herself, Nicole talks with Dolls.
NH: "What's the plan, Deputy Marshal?".
XD: "We surround the store. If you get a clear shot, let me know. We hear shots, we go in" Dolls commands. "Also, call Waverly. Tell her that her sister's in a situation. " He hands over his phone.
NH: "Hey isn't that Champ's truck?" Nicole notices the truck parked in front of the store.

XD: "Waverly's boyfriend?" asks Dolls.
NH: "Unfortunately." Nicole sighs realizing she said that out loud and leaving embarrassed. She tries to call Waverly, but she doesn't pick up so she leaves her a voicemail. "Hey Waves, it's Nicole. Sorry to bother you, but Wynonna is in a bit of trouble. I don't want you to worry. Dolls, Nedley, and I are doing everything we can to help her. Just wanted to let you know what is happening. Bye." She leaves out the part where Champ is involved too so Waverly doesn't worry too much.

Wynonna gets out of the store with the kidnappers, Champ and Shorty who is not looking that good. They leave in a van and Nicole writes down the license plate to track it down. Dolls tells Nicole and Nedley to not follow them, that he has a plan in motion. Nicole and Nedley go back to the station waiting on more orders from Dolls when they receive the call that Shorty is dead a couple of hours later.

Nedley starts the preparations for a wake at Shorty's bar with everyone who knew and loved him. Nicole arrives and immediately goes to see Waverly.
NH: "Waverly! I'm so sorry." she says with sympathy and wanting to wipe away the tears that are staining her beautiful face.
WE: "I can't believe he's gone." Waverly's voice breaks and Nicole grabs her hands to try and give her some comfort, but also to let her grieve.

Champ appears beside Waverly and starts kissing her face.
CH: "Oh it's ok." Nicole lets go of Waverly's hands feeling awkward about the situation. She can tell that Waverly is getting annoyed by Champ's gesture but she's too polite to say anything.
WE: "Hey, um, I got your voicemail. About Wynonna. It was really sweet." Waverly says trying to reach out to her again, but Nicole's hands are already off the counter.
NH: "Yeah, sure." Nicole leaves them alone, but stands from afar, making sure she's ok.

She goes to talk with Dolls about the kidnapping and what happened to Shorty. Dolls says they guess the ordeal was too much for his heart and that they are doing the autopsy. She's no longer paying attention to him because she sees Waverly walking over to Wynonna.
NH: "She said she was glad I called." Nicole's gaze is stuck on Waverly like a magnet...
XD: "Yeah, I'll bet." says Dolls letting Nicole know that her feelings are no secret. She blushes and moves away to sit at the bar. She asks for a glass of whiskey and gulps it down in Shorty's name, may he rest in peace.

A lot of people turn up to the funeral. Purgatory is such a small town that everybody knows each other. Shorty's bar, from what Nicole has heard, has been the heart of Purgatory for years. If you need to find someone, they are probably at Shorty's. If you need good food and drinks, go to Shorty's. If you just want to get out of the house, Shorty's is the best entertainment spot. Without Shorty, Nicole wondered what would happen to the bar, especially what would happen to Waverly.

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