Mission #11: Get Wynonna's approval

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While Waverly's party is going on at the Homestead, Nicole is at work finishing some paperwork Nedley has been piling on her. She's rubbing her neck which has become stiff from sitting at the computer all day. Wynonna passes by and knocks on the door startling Nicole.
WyE: "Saturday night. I'm the town pariah with ten years of bad deeds to make up for; what's your excuse?" She takes a drink from the bottle of whiskey she had stashed on her desk.
NH: "Nedley."
WyE: "Say no more. Bosses are the worst. Also, I'm scared mine might be dead." Wynonna got a phone call from Dolls a few hours ago and he didn't let her know where he was going or when he was coming back. Nicole looks back at Wynonna worried. "Oh, I'm kidding."

She's not, but Nicole can't find out about any BBD information.
NH: "Are you sure you're ok?" Wynonna gives her a thumbs up and clears her throat. "Well, at least I'm not the only one who wasn't invited to the party. Makes me feel better."
WyE: "What party?" Wynonna sets her whiskey down on Nicole's desk.
NH: "Waverly's party at the Homestead. She didn't tell you huh?"
WyE: "Nop". Another chug of whiskey.
Since her shift has gone by without any problems, Nicole shuts down the computer and sits with Wynonna on the floor, their little party.

At first, it was a bit awkward. A few questions here and there, lots of staring at the wall, then Nicole started drinking too and relaxed a lot.
WyE: "You know you seem like a stick in the mud except when you drink."
NH: "I don't know if that's a compliment or not, but I'll take it." She takes a drink from the beer.
WyE: "So Haught shot what brought you to Purgatory? Any criminal activity I should know about?"
NH: "Hmm not really I smoked a little when I was a teenager, but I've been a good kid. I became a cop to protect people."
WyE: "Oh God. You're a goodie two shoes."
NH: "What's wrong with that?"
WyE: "Nothing. The more the merrier. I don't even know how my sister is one with the family that she's got."
NH: "Yeah well she's having a party while I'm drinking with her sister the alcoholic so I'm guessing goodie two shoes don't stick together."

WyE: "I know exactly who she invited to. Chrissy Nedley." says Wynonna sipping the drink.
NH: "What? Sheriff's daughter?" Nicole didn't even know they were friends.
WyE: "Mm-hmm! And Stephanie Jones...You know, one time, Stephanie told me that I should think about getting a butt lift."
NH: "What! Your ass is like...It's top shelf, man, it's top shelf." Not that Nicole has been looking at it that much.

WyE: "Thanks. Have I pulled Waves too close?" says Wynonna worried that she might not be giving her sister the space she needs.
NH: "Of course not. You haven't been here in years. It's normal to be there for her. She also needs a life of her own and she's searching for it." Nicole stares at her shoe deep in thought. "You know, I think that Waverly has spent her whole life tailoring who she is to the people she's with. She's only now just starting to figure out what she really wants." Nicole thinks about their coffee date and the phone calls they've had since Waves broke up with Champ.

WyE: "Dude! You're like a walking bumper sticker. Who's armed! Waverly should be hanging out with you." Wynonna sounds a bit drunk and Nicole is a lightweight.
NH: "I agree." Nicole takes another sip of the whiskey and realizes she should probably slow down because she has to drive back home. Wynonna spots a photo of a young woman under Nicole's desk and reaches for it.
WyE: "Who's this? Who's this lady?" Nicole pulls her back by her belt.
NH: "That is victim number 3."
WyE: "Same guy killed three women?" Wynonna looks at the photo and notices a similarity with her face.

NH: "Yeah, killing them was only the start. Joyce Arbour. She's 22. We found her Wednesday morning, and the cause of death appears to be multiple lacerations, but of course, the autopsy report is practically illegible." Wynonna grabs another one of the photos of the victim and says sarcastically
WyE: "Dolls picked a great time to go AWOL."
NH: "He has a type this guy. All women look the same, in their late 20s or early 30s, same height approximately."
WyE: "Has there been anything unusual about how they are found or any marks or anything?"
NH: "I wish I could tell you, but again whoever wrote this report just scribbled down as if they were a doctor. No one can read this not even a little kid." Wynonna's nose starts bleeding while looking at the photo.
WyE: "Um, I need to see the body." Nicole looks worried but agrees and they go down to the morgue.

On the way there Nicole feels queasy, too much to drink on an empty stomach. She's lightheaded, but not enough to fall over. Wynonna with years of practice doesn't even feel the alcohol anymore. The closer they get to the morgue the more her nose keeps bleeding. Reaching for the door Nicole grabs Wynonna's arm and hands her a handkerchief she had stashed.
WyE: "Aw am I your prince and you're the damsel in distress with your handkerchief?"
NH: "Take it or leave it Wynonna. I don't need you bleeding all over the evidence. What is that about anyway?"
WyE: "No idea. Maybe somebody hit me and this is the side effect."
NH: "I wonder why somebody would ever want to hit your face." Nicole says with sarcasm and rolls her eyes. Wynonna wipes her nose clean and gives the handkerchief back to Nicole. "Ugh, thanks. Didn't want your DNA on me." Nicole wipes her hand clean on her pants.
WyE: "Too bad." Wynonna shrugs and continues walking.

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