Mission #6: Curtis' Clue

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It's been two months since Uncle Curtis passed away and Wynonna came to town. Ever since then Aunt Gus has been asking Waverly and Wynonna to get rid of all the extra stuff laying around. Today is that day and Wynonna wasn't going to wake up before 11 am, much less on a Saturday so Waverly called Champ to come over and start getting rid of everything. They loaded up boxes and boxes of old newspaper articles, rocks, old gardening tools, etc. Curtis had quite the collection. 

WE: "God, there's so much. " says Waverly while unloading the truck.
CH: "Yeah. Curtis spent the last few years of his life hand-picking it, from the Badlands to the Rockies." states Champ.
WE: "And you know that because..." asks Waverly.
CH: "Cause every time he went out, I did two things: drive and dig. Curtis had a nose for buried stuff. He was kind of like you into the, uh, into the past of where things come from and stuff before today, uh,..." he says putting another box down.

WE: "You mean like history?" Waverly says annoyed that her boyfriend can't even remember the main thing she's obsessed with.
CH: "Yep! How can somebody so pretty be so smart huh?" he says stroking her cheek.
WE: "Because they're not mutually exclusive." she whispers and laughs sarcastically. 
CH: "Remember the last time we got mutually exclusive? Now that was historic, eh? Huh, right?" Champ walks behind Waverly trying to seduce her. Waverly pushes him off.
WE: "Babe! Not in front of my legacy. " Champs just starts looking through Curtis's collection. "What's this? Oh my God. Uncle Curtis." Waverly finds a letter addressed to her. "It's his handwriting. "

CH: "What is it?". He asks not interested.
WE: "It's a poem." He scoffs.
CH: "There once was a girl from Nantucket...huh?" Waverly dismisses Champ's comment and rolls her eyes.
WyE: "Hands off my sister nine seconds." yells Wynonna from the Homestead.
CH: "It's eight seconds, loser. " says Champ feeling offended that Wynonna doesn't remember the fastest record at the time that was set by him. 

Waverly hides the letter from Wynonna wanting to keep something all to herself. Her sister asks about the most recent case they got, but gets distracted by the motorcycle Champ has just uncovered from Curtis's things. She pushes Waverly out of the way screaming and runs to the motorcycle she's been dreaming of for years. Wynonna gasps
WyE: "1200 stage one Screaming Eagle!"
CH: "Yeah I hauled it for Waverly," Champ says a little jealous.

WE: "No, Curtis's will does stipulate that the bike goes to Wynonna." Wynonna laughs and strokes the bike like it's a horse.
WyE: "Oh! I knew we were soulmates." Wynonna purrs and sits on the bike. "What am I gonna name this sexy beast?" Her demeanor changes into a ball of nerves when she spots Doc walking toward them. "Doc!"
DH: "Wynonna can we talk? In private." Doc says more seriously than usual. Waverly thinks that something weird is going on between the two of them, but just focuses on the poem.

CH: "Do you think something is going on between them? He's a little old for her don't you think?"
WE: "Why do you care Champ? Besides not a lot of good choices here in Purgatory."
CH: "I guess. But you won the lottery with me. Handsome, strong, amazing in bed. Maybe I could remind you." She pushes him off when he tries to get closer.
WE: "Champ! Can this be the one time where you don't think about sex? I'm getting rid of my dead uncle's things and you think that somehow makes me horny. Jesus!"
CH: "Hey babe. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I just miss you that's all."
WE: "I'm not a toy Champ. It's not always fun and games. Sometimes we get to be serious too." He looks down and pouts at Waverly. She rolls her eyes at him and hugs him. He may be an idiot, but he's here so might as well make it work.

They keep unloading the truck and Aunt Gus comes out of the house. She sees that Champ is throwing away one of Curtis's favorite shirts.
GG: "Wait! Not that one." She runs over and grabs it gently. She inhales deeply into the shirt reminded of Curtis's smell which was usually a mix of cheap cologne and grass. Waverly notices Her aunt is shedding tears and walks over to her. She puts an arm around her providing comfort.
WE: "Is there anything else you want to keep?"
GG: "No. Everything else is just junk. Give it away, throw it in the trash, I don't care. I want it gone. Today." Gus walks back into the house in a hurry.

Waverly gets lost in her thoughts about the future. Will she feel like that if she ends up with Champ and he dies? Does she see herself marrying Champ and having his kids? Will she ever get a chance to see the outside world and leave Purgatory? These are her top unanswered questions and with every passing day, her future becomes more and more uncertain. The presence of Nicole has brought out a new side of Waverly she thought she had lost. She wants to progress. She wants to get a good job, marry, have kids, travel, and maybe invent her own language. She sees her future in a little bubble and smiles. Interrupted in the best way, she also sees Nicole in her future with her perfect dimples and red hair. She sees them walking around town holding hands, going to the movies, reading to each other on the Homestead porch, Nicole reading about cop stories and learning more about her heroes, and Waverly teaching her about the history and the basics of their own language.

CH: "Waverly?" Champ clears his throat and touches Waverly's shoulder. She shakes her head a little and turns around.
WE: "What?"
CH: "I said I'm done. Do you want to go to Shorty's to get a beer?"
WE: "Yeah. Maybe I can figure out more about the poem Curtis left." They get into Champ's pickup and drive over to Shorty's. On the way there Waverly keeps reading in between the lines of the poem and realizes the first clue leads to Shorty's so they are going the right way. What they will find doesn't matter to Waverly. It just feels good to be doing something that is outside of the daily routine. Who knows? Maybe Curtis has buried treasure and she can start working on her plans.

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