The Date part 1

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Yuxin's new life with Kun is going smoothly.

Schedule after schedule, flying places to  places, shooting after shooting, she have no time to stay in Kuns apartment.

Same as Kun, his busy schedule is beyond imaginable.

Yet, he still makes time to pester Yuxin, just like today.

"This is practically kidnapping." Accused Yuxin.

She wouldnt be here with him, inside his car, if the fans were not watching them or if only her car was park outside waiting for her.

"Call it whatever you wanna call it. But, I did not force you to enter the car. All I did was opened the door and wait for you."

Yuxin squint her eyes and cross her arms on Kun who was now smiling while driving.

Its a trapped and she fell for it.

Today mark their first monthsary as married couple, so Kun suggested that maybe they can go out or just hang out together.

Which Yuxin with no hesitation said NO , claiming that she will be busy that day for a photoshoot.

Which is true by the way, its not as if shes avoiding him.. SWEAR.

Kun did try to do everything he can to make her say yes.

He bribed her with Rain which his been doing to jog with her every morning.

Bribed her with dozen and dozen packs of potato chips which his also been doing to make her watch a movie with him.

Bribes her with a new set of accessories which he used to make her spend more time with him.

Blaming it to rain, potato chips and those chains Yuxin knew she was getting soft for Kun.

And he knows it so well.


One day,  she even saw him infront of her door.


Acting cute and helpless.

Just to eat ouside. The nerve.

Scared that Kun might do more drastic measures to pester her.

Yuxin decided to end ALL of this attempts to bribe her and answered him with a big NO.

But now look whose inside someones car . Sigh.

He really found another way.

Only after the shooting Yuxin  received a message from her manager that Kun told her not to tell her that he came to pick her up and that they can go ahead cause his here to surprise her.

Tricky. Yes.

Yuxin tried to escape but Kun must have read her mind.

She found Kun's car  parked to where Ums were waiting for her, making Yuxin fake smiled and waved to Kun.

No other way.

No chance of escaping him.

So she just entered the car smiling.

Mad that her manager doesnt have a clue that she dont want to be with him today, Yuxin glared at the window.

"Kunkun where are we going?"

"Remember the hot pot place we used to visit last year? Im planning to take you there for a late dinner."Kun excitedly answered.

Yuxin didnt say anything but her eyes did, making Kun chuckle.

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