Chapter 12

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Andy: "What are you doing here?"

X: "We need to talk. What the hell are you doing? I saw you at the station as you came out of the bunk with Sullivan"

Andy: "You got the wrong idea"

X: "I don't think so. Why were you there together?"

Andy: "He came to call me, level 5 alarm. Why were you at the station dad?"

Pruitt: "It doesn't matter why I was there. I don't like that you and Sullivan were there together, don't lie to me and tell me what happens"

Andy: "Nothing happens, we're friends" while he replied to his father he sent a message to Robert telling him that they could not see each other and would see each other at the station.

Pruitt: "I don't believe you. Who are you writing?"

Andy: "First, it's none of your business who I'm texting to. Second thing I'm writing to Vic. We were supposed to see each other now, but because of you we can't"

Pruitt: "You'll see it later. Where's your husband? Why aren't you together?"

Andy: "From Dean"

Pruitt: "Did you have a fight?"

Andy: "Why all these questions? If you want to know about Jack, call him, he does what you want"

Pruitt: "I'm your father, you could answer even more kindly"

Andy: "It was you who came to my house insinuating things about me and Robert.."

Pruitt: "Now do you also call him by name?"

The tone of both of them was raising a lot.

Andy: "Yes, I call him by name, we're friends"

Pruitt: "You shouldn't be friends"

Andy: "Why not?"

Pruitt: "You can't be friends with a man, Andy you're married"

Andy: "What does it have to do with being married? Can't I have male friends? Yet is it okay if Travis, Ben and Dean are my friends, but not Robert? "

Pruitt: "Exactly, it's not good. I heard from Jack that you spent a lot of time together before he was promoted to them"

Andy: "So what?"

Pruitt: "You have to stop being her friend. Jack would also agree with this"

Andy: "I don't give a damn what you two want. Robert and I are friends and if you don't like it, well.. it's certainly not my problem. And if Jack doesn't want to, it's time for him to sign those fucking divorce forms that have been in that drawer for months"

Pruitt: "Divorce is not the solution. What would our family say if you divorce? It would be a dishonor for everyone"

Andy: "Do I have to continue being unhappy to make others happy? How can you still defend Jack with what he did?"

Pruitt: "He apologized to you"

Andy: "And do you think apologizing is enough?"

Pruitt: "Yes"

Andy: "Then know that he never apologized, all those days that I was in bed without the strength to get up he wasn't there and neither was you. Vic was with me all the time"

Pruitt: "I'm sorry, but these things can happen"

Andy: "It was something that could have been avoided, but as usual you still prefer him. I am your daughter, not him"

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