Chapter 58

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When Andy and Robert arrived at the station, they sorted out Christopher and Macchia's things in Robert's office and then went upstairs to join everyone else. Andy, who was holding the baby, sat down with the others while Robert only joined her after putting Christopher's tooth toys in the refrigerator.

Vic: "You two have certain faces this morning" she said referring to Andy and Robert. "Did you get little sleep? Did you have fun all night?" she asked in a mischievous tone.

Andy: "It's not what you think, it was a hell of a night because Christopher is showing his second tooth and he's very restless"

Vic: "Ohh, I'm sorry. Is that why you brought him here with you today?"

Andy: "Yes. Yesterday afternoon he was with my father, but I didn't feel like leaving him with him today"

Robert: "So today Andy will be on duty at the desk"

Everyone cheered because it was Andy who had to be on shift at the desk all day and not one of them.

Vic: "If you need help with the baby just ask, we will gladly help you" she told Andy.

Andy: "Thanks Vic" then looked at Christopher who had just fallen asleep in her arms. "I'm so glad he finally fell asleep" she said with a sigh of relief.

Travis: "And he looks so sweet when he sleeps"

Robert: "I would say it's time to get to work and try not to make too much noise since he just fell asleep" they all nodded and went downstairs to start their shift.

Andy: "You know that you can't really forbid him not to make noise just because Christopher is asleep?"

Robert: "He hasn't slept most of the night, I want him to be able to get some sleep at least now"

Andy: "That's what I want too. It breaks my heart to see him suffer like this, but there is nothing we can do about it"

Robert: "What do you think if you try to get some sleep too? The room where the sofa is is the one where there is less noise, you can stay there"

Andy: "I can't, I have to work"

Robert: "It doesn't matter, he's sleeping on your lap and if you try to put him in the stroller I guess he wakes up and then.. you need to rest too, you've been up all night with him"

Andy: "Maybe you're right, but you've been awake too"

Robert: "Don't worry about me, I'll rest later"

Andy went to lie down on the sofa with Christopher, Macchia lay down on the floor next to the sofa and Robert, after putting a blanket on Andy and Christopher, kissed both of them and went to his office to work. It wasn't long after Robert arrived in his office that the alarm went off and they all had to leave. As he was in the truck heading to the call address, Robert texted Andy saying they were out on a call so in case she woke up and they weren't back yet he knew where they were. The message that Robert had sent to his wife had done no good because on their return to the station Andy was still asleep as well as the baby. When Robert went to them in the break room, he noticed that Macchia was in the same position he was in when he left them and Christopher was starting to wake up. Gently and taking care not to wake Andy, Robert picked up Christopher and then went to the kitchen to prepare the bottle for him. While Robert was preparing the bottle for Christopher, he put the baby in the stroller and gave him a cold toy for the teeth so that he wouldn't start crying and wake Andy. Robert, once he finished preparing the bottle, picked up the baby and gave him the bottle. The baby was eating, Macchia was always there near them but at a certain point she moved away to go towards Andy who had woken up. When Andy woke up and couldn't see the baby in her arms, she was initially worried, but Macchia came running towards her barking and at that point she realized that Christopher was with Robert. At the Macchia home he always behaved in this way when one of the two took the child and they had learned to understand Macchia's various behaviors. Andy joined Robert and Christopher in the kitchen and as she went to them she read the message that Robert had sent.

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