Chapter 113

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Robert got home quite late and when he went to the room and saw that the twins and Christopher were cuddling up to Andy and sleeping soundlessly, he undressed and then lay down next to them. Robert had managed to hug both his wife and her children and then he too fell asleep. During the course of the night Chanel and Charlotte had woken up because they were hungry and when Andy saw that Christopher was sleeping hugging his father, she gave a big smile. To keep Robert and Christopher from waking up, Andy took the twins and went into the living room to give them milk. They hadn't wanted their mother's breasts for a few days, so Andy prepared two bottles and in the meantime the twins played with Macchia. As soon as the bottles for the twins were ready, Andy picked up her daughters and then gave them the bottles. Both Charlotte and Chanel had learned to hold the bottle by themselves and that way Andy was able to cuddle her daughters.

Andy: "You know, tomorrow will be a very special day because it's your brother's birthday"

Chanel: "Fefe *" she said taking the bottle out of her mouth and that was also her first word.

Andy: "What did you say?" she asked incredulously.

Chanel: "Fefe" she said again with a big smile.

Andy: "Fefe is Christopher, your brother?"

Chanel: "Fefe" replied confirming what her mother had asked.

Andy: "Ohhh, he'll go crazy tomorrow morning when you call him" Chanel kept smiling at her mother and kept repeating the same word while Charlotte was finishing her bottle.

Charlotte: "Fefe" she said too as soon as she finished her bottle.

Andy: "You two are really twins. You said your first word together" she said smiling sweetly at her daughters who kept saying their brother's name. "But now you have to sleep, it's still very early to stay awake" she said cuddling the twins. "Close your eyes and have lots of sweet dreams" she said as she continued to rock the girls who were slowly falling asleep again.

As soon as Chanel and Charlotte fell asleep again, Andy carried the girls to their cribs and then returned to Robert and Christopher's room. They hadn't noticed her getting up and when she lay back in bed, she snuggled up to them to fall back asleep in no time. When Christopher woke up the next morning and didn't see his little sisters, he immediately started waking up his mother.

Christopher: "Mom, mommy, wake up" he said as he patted his mother's arm.

Andy: "What's going on?" she asked worriedly as she opened her eyes.

Christopher: "My little sisters aren't here" he replied looking around her and Andy gave a little laugh.

Andy: "They are sleeping in their cots"

Christopher: "Why?"

Andy: "Because tonight they woke up to get the bottle and then I put them in their beds. I didn't want you and your father to wake up"

Christopher: "Oh, okay"

Andy: "Now come here so I can give you lots of cuddles" she said opening her arms and Christopher launched himself on his mother. "Happy birthday little man" she said filling the boy's face with many small kisses.

Christopher: "Thank you mommy" he replied with a big smile.

Andy: "Shall we wake up dad so he can make you a special breakfast and then we can take you to kindergarten? You know you can celebrate the birthday together with all the children and then tonight you will celebrate with me, dad, your little sisters, grandfather, aunts, uncles and Aron"

Christopher: "Yessss" he replied clapping his hands and then approached his father. "Daddy, daddy, wake up, I'm hungry" he said as Andy let out a little laugh and Robert woke up.

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