Chapter 20

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The next morning, Andy and Robert, after getting ready for the start of the shift, left Macchia with Luke even though Andy wanted to take the puppy with him. Luke was happy to spend his day with the puppy and promised Andy that he would text her with pictures from time to time. Andy and Vic went to the station together while Robert went in his car. Once Vic and Andy arrived at the station they changed and went to the kitchen to join the others for breakfast. Everyone asked Andy if he was feeling any better except Jack who started an argument with Vic.

Jack: "You shouldn't host Andy in your house, he already has a house"

Vic: "Do you think it's my fault that he doesn't want to be in a house with you?"

Jack: "I'm her husband, he has to stay home with me"

Vic: "Husband.." she said laughing. "The one who never bothered to ask these days if he was okay or not. And I don't know with what courage you still feel her husband after everything you have put her through in recent months"

The rest of the team was in complete silence listening to the discussion between the two without really understanding what was going on between Andy and Jack.

Ben: "I guess we shouldn't be here" he told Travis and Dean.

Dean: "I agree with you. We'll have to get out of here and leave the three of them alone" he said referring to Vic, Jack and Andy.

Travis: "Ohhhh, but I want to know what's going on"

Ben: "We know you like gossip, but I think that's none of our business"

Dean, Ben and Travis got up and went out dragging Maya with them too, who up until then was doing her own business while Vic and Jack continued to argue.

Jack: "It was just his fault what happened, why do you still have to blame me? She had to be more careful not to get pregnant"

Vic: "You really suck" she yelled in his face. "I'm glad Andy found someone better than you" she said in a lower tone so Jack wouldn't hear, but it didn't work.

Jack: "What do you mean? Does Andy have another one? Ah, ah, ah, very funny"

Andy: "That's it Jack, there's someone else in my life now"

Jack: "I don't believe it, you cheating on me? Impossible! What if your father knows? Wouldn't he be a disgrace to your family" he said arrogantly.

Andy: "What is in my life now is a cute puppy, you kind of idiot! And don't mention my father, you two are the same and I would like not to have anything to do with either of you"

Jack: "Did you replace a baby with a dog? Well.. you should be happy then, you got what you always wanted"

Andy: "I don't understand why I married you, it was the worst mistake of my life" she shouted.

Robert was behind the kitchen door and he had heard all their discussion, he wanted to intervene but did not want to complicate the situation.

Jack: "You married me because you're in love with me"

Andy: "All bullshit"

Jack: "Are you sure?" he had grabbed Andy by her wrists, blocking her and tried to kiss her but she turned away.

Andy: "You just make me sick"

Jack: "You didn't say that when we had sex, you liked that"

Andy: "Maybe at first I liked it, but it's nothing special since I always have to think about it alone to finish"

Jack: "Yet you were pregnant, just as bad as you say I don't think I am"

Andy: "Have you already forgotten when you even put on two condoms for fear of getting pregnant again? One of the worst things you could do"

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