Chapter 73

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It was time to see Claire again and Andy was really upset ..

That morning Andy had woken up earlier than Robert and was worried about how she would fare when they saw Claire again. She was immersed in her thoughts and did not notice that Robert was waking up and looking at her.

Robert: "Stop being worried" he said, taking her hand.

Andy: "Huh? I'm not worried"

Robert: "Andy.. I know you all too well and I know you're worried. With your father, she'll be fine and stop thinking about when we'll see Claire again. She is the past now, she doesn't care anymore what she did to you and me because now we are together and we are happy" Andy snuggled up to Robert. "The only thing we really need to think about is your father's health and how we can help him"

Andy: "Yes, ok, you're right, but I don't know how you can be so calm"

Robert: "I'm worried too, but only for your father not for the person we will meet. You know.. I thought we could tell Pruitt to move here to our house for a while. This may make it easier to help him in case he needs something. I know you are worried that he is home alone"

Andy: "It's true and I think it's a really good idea" she replied giving her husband a kiss. "I love you"

Robert: "I love you too" he replied giving her another kiss. "Christopher is still asleep, we could take the opportunity to have breakfast calmly"

Andy: "Yes, but not immediately, we still stay a few minutes like this"

Robert: "We can do whatever you want" he said pampering his wife.

Andy: "It is strange, however, to be here alone, lately in the bed with us there is always Christopher too"

Robert: "That's right, and this is also the first time he's only woken up once during the night. I think he's learning to understand that sleeping all night is nice" he replied with a small laugh.

Andy: "If he sleeps at night, we would have more time for us.." she said maliciously as she stroked Robert's chest going lower and lower, but he stopped her.

Robert: "But now is not the time for certain things. You know we have to wait a little longer"

Andy: "I know" she replied with a snort. "But I miss having sex with you, but I also like these moments"

Robert: "Me too" he replied giving a tender kiss to his wife.

Andy: "Let's go have breakfast, so then we can calmly prepare"

Andy and Robert got up and went to the kitchen to prepare and have breakfast before Christopher woke up. It had been a long time since the two of them had breakfast together calmly because usually Christopher was always awake at that time. As soon as they finished breakfast, Andy went to take a shower while Robert went to get Christopher as he woke up. While Andy was showering, Robert packed Christopher's bottle and then the baby took it. Christopher had learned to hold the bottle himself, so when Robert put the baby on the sofa, he leaned on his father and held the bottle alone until he finished it. Meanwhile Andy had showered and dressed and then took over from Robert. While Robert showered and dressed, Andy changed Christopher and when all three were ready they headed to the hospital. Pruitt would have waited for them directly in front of the hospital entrance and had arrived a few minutes before them.

Andy: "Good morning dad"

Pruitt: "Good morning"

Robert: "I hope we didn't keep you waiting long"

Pruitt: "No, no, I arrived less than five minutes ago"

Robert: "Oh, good"

Christopher drew the attention of his grandfather.

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