Chapter 83

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The day of seeing Pruitt had arrived and Andy was a little worried and hoped that everything was going well. Andy, Robert, Pruitt and Christopher headed to the hospital after breakfast for Pruitt's visit. Claire was not there that morning and Pruitt had been seen by Claire's assistant and his recovery was going very well. Andy asked a lot of questions about what her dad could and couldn't do, but Pruitt as he was fine could do everything including taking care of Christopher. Andy was calmer when we got out of the hospital and she and Robert took Christopher and Pruitt home and then went to the station to start their shift.

Robert: "Are you calmer now?" she asked as they headed for the station.

Andy: "Yes, but.."

Robert: "Don't think about what could go wrong, just think about the positive things. Your father is fine, his wounds have been removed and you can see that he is much better"

Andy: "You're right. Luckily there is you to calm me down. I love you"

Robert: "I love you too"

Since they had accompanied Pruitt to the visit, their shift began a little later and when they arrived at the station they noticed that the rest of the team was not there because they were out for a call. Andy and Robert then quietly changed and then Andy helped Robert with the paperwork. After about a couple of hours Andy and Robert heard the vehicles coming back and both left the office and they all look pretty tired.

Andy: "You all look very tired"

Travis: "It's because we are. It was a very tiring call"

Robert: "Go and rest for a while, but Theo.." he turned to Robert. "Could you come to my office first so you can update me on the call since you replaced me?"

Theo: "Sure, no problem" he said following Robert into his office.

Andy in the meantime called her father to find out if everything was going well and Pruitt replied that Christopher was taking a nap and as soon as he woke up they went to the station so they all had lunch together. Theo was with Robert and explained everything about the call and what they had done and Robert was impressed with how Theo had handled the team. Robert didn't hold Theo long and once he got out of his office, Robert filled out the call report. The rest of the morning went by rather quietly and Pruitt, as soon as Christopher woke up, arrived at the station with the baby and Macchia. Andy was sitting at the front desk and as soon as Christopher walked into the station and saw his mother he ran over to her.

Christopher: "Mom" he said running up to her.

Andy: "Hey, little man" she said picking up the baby and showered him with kisses and then turned to her father. "Everything is ok?"

Pruitt: "It's okay just like when I told you before"

Andy: "Ok, it's just that I worry about you"

Pruitt: "I know, but I promised you that in case I don't feel well I would ask for help" Andy nodded. "After lunch Christopher and I are going to visit Vic, I know she's home alone"

Andy: "Yes and she's bored, she wrote to me before"

Pruitt: "We'll stay there with her for a while"

Christopher: "Dad?" he asked looking for his father.

Andy: "He is in there" she said pointing to the closed door of Robert's office.

Christopher: "Dad, dad" he said clapping his hands.

Andy walked over to Robert's office and then opened the door. As soon as Christopher saw his father he stretched out his arms because he wanted to be picked up by him. As soon as Robert picked up his baby, Christopher touched his belly because he was hungry and both Andy and Robert laughed.

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