Chapter 117

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With the new week beginning, Andy and Robert would have a long twenty-four hour shift and for the first time, Andy would be away from her children for a full day. Since Andy and Robert had to get up very early, Pruitt had gone to pick up the children the night before to take them to his house.

Andy: "Ok, inside this bag are all the things for the kids, I shouldn't have forgotten anything"

Pruitt: "Don't worry, I have some of their things at my house" he replied smiling. "Now we will go home, have dinner and then after playing a bit, I will put the children to sleep" Andy nodded.

Andy: "Ok, but if there are problems, call us"

Pruitt: "I will in case something happens. And tomorrow morning I'll let you know how the night went, okay?"

Andy: "Okay"

Robert then joined them and held Charlotte and Chanel in his arms while Christopher walked beside them together with Macchia. Andy and Robert said goodbye to their children and then walked them into Pruitt's car.

Andy: "Don't forget, be good with grandpa, ok?" she told Christopher.

Christopher: "Yes mommy" he replied giving her a kiss on the cheek and then Andy kissed back.

Andy then went to give the twins a kiss while Robert, after placing the twins in their car seats and giving a gentle kiss on their foreheads, went to Christopher. Pruitt meanwhile had got Macchia into the car, put the bag with the children's things in the car and after Andy and Robert said goodbye to their children for the last time, he left to go to his house. Andy and Robert went back into the house and were feeling a little strange.

Andy: "It's so quiet" she said closing the front door.

Robert: "It's true, but we should get used to it a bit, it will still happen that our children go to sleep at their grandfather's house because we have to go to the station very early the next day"

Andy: "I know. What do we do now?"

Robert: "Shall we have dinner?" he asked looking his wife in the eyes. "Soon it's time for dinner and then maybe later we can see a movie"

Andy: "Or.." she said approaching her husband of hers. "We could have dinner and then maybe we could have some nice time without wearing clothes" she said in a sultry tone of voice as she ran her hands under her husband's shirt.

Robert: "Definitely this is a better idea than mine" he replied giving her a kiss.

Andy: "While you prepare dinner, I'm going to change" she said looking at her husband with a very mischievous look as she bit her lower lip.

Robert: "Mmmhhh.. I already know that you will drive me crazy during the whole dinner"

Andy: "Oh yeah, I will" she replied giving him a quick kiss before running to the room so she could change.

While she was in her room changing, Robert started preparing dinner. Andy always had a lot of fun teasing her husband and so she decided only to wear a light pink satin robe that reached up to mid-thigh and under her robe she wore nothing. Andy had tied the robe closed with a bow at the waist but leaving the robe open a bit so that she could see that she was naked underneath. Meanwhile Robert had almost finished preparing dinner and Andy joined him. When he saw his wife like that, he watched her as he bit his bottom lip imagining anything he could do to her at that moment. Even though that robe covered her body, he could see something through it and Robert started to feel that his pants were getting quite tight.

Andy: "You know.. during dinner you could only wear boxers" she said starting to undo the belt of Robert's trousers and then undo the button of his trousers so as to make them fall to the floor. Andy then put a hand inside Robert's boxers and ran her tongue between her lips. "The only thing I want is to feel you inside me" she said kissing him as she continued to tease her husband. "But later, now we have to have dinner" she said removing her hand from inside Robert's boxers leaving him with an evident erection.

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