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ron weasley

hermione's dirty blonde hair elegantly fell on her left eye as she stared into my eyes. I stared back with desperation, not wanting to make the wrong move. I gulped the lump in my throat and looked down.

"ha! rock beats scissors! I win," hermione yells dancing around. I groan loudly and flop back on my bed.

"brilliant, you are! you won all rounds!" I say as she smiles at me and let's out a little giggle. "logic," she states, flopping down beside me.

I lay my down leaving my head hanging to look at hermione's. her soft brown eyes blink, already staring back. "you're really beautiful... you know?" I say weakly, slowly tucking her hair behind her ear.

she chuckled quietly and I watched as her sparkly eyes lit up. we leaned in and pressed our lips against each other passionately.

I gently run my fingers threw her hair after we separate. "I love you." she whispers. "I love you more." I smile. she smiles back then we finally decide to get ready. we both change, hermione changes in the bathroom and I change in my room.

"are you done?" she calls out.

"almost." I call back.

she opens the door then shields her eyes immedietly. "ronald! put some pants on!" she giggles loudly. "I did say almost," I laugh, throwing on some pants quickly.

"I'm done," I say as I walk over to my bed and grab my luggage. I'm only bringing one suitcase.

hermione grabs her luggage too and we smile at eachother. today we go back to hogwarts. we were sad our time at hogwarts was almost over, since this was our last year, but it also means hermione and I will finally be living together, and maybe, (hopefully,) starting a family.

I locked my hand into hermione's and we dragged our luggage down the stairs slowly. "morning," hermione calls out.

mum was in the kitchen making breakfast, dad was sitting in his usual seat reading the daily prophet, and harry and ginny were sitting side by side holding hands talking and giggling.

I look over and notice george sitting on the couch staring at a picture. I sit beside him and see the picture is of fred on his first year at hogwarts, dressed up in dirty hand-me downs, smiling ear to ear.

george chuckled quietly.

"god. look how stupid he looks," he says choking back his tears. I put my hand around george and hug him. "hey, you looked the same." I smile.

george laughs quietly. "you know what he told me that day?"


"he told me that when we finish at hogwarts me and him were going to be the best twin power duo in the history of wizarding, whatever that means." he stares at the moving picture, as fred shows off his wand and laughs.

I chuckle. "he was an amazing wizard."

george lets a tear fall down, but then wipes it away and stands up. "let's go eat," he says acting like nothing happened.

"are you sure? are you okay?" I ask standing up.

"yeah. let's go."

we walk to the kitchen and sit down. I sit beside hermione who sits beside my dad, and george sits next to ginny.

plates filled with steaming and delicious eggs and cut up toast float toward the table and set in front of each person. I rubbed my hands together and licked every corner of my lips drooling with hunger.

"eat up! you have a long day!" mum calls out. I grab my fork and shove a bunch of eggs in my mouth.

ginny stares at me strangely, and rolls her eyes. "you're disgusting, ron," she comments. hermione giggles and looks at me.

"I wouldn't argue," she smiles.

once breakfast is done ginny, harry, me and hermione get our bags and get ready to leave.

"george hun are you coming?" mum asks as we are about to use the floo network. "sure," george sighs getting up. he stands beside me and smiles at me, but I know he's forcing a smile. he can never seem to be happy nowadays, it really looses light in this house.

"ron, you first?"

I walk over to her with my luggage dragging behind me and step into the fire place. I take a handful of floo network and clear my throat.

"london train station." I smack the floo network against the floor and

POOF! I am in the train station.

POOF! ginny.

POOF! harry.

POOF! hermione.

I walk over to her and grab her hand.

POOF! george.

POOF! dad.

POOF! mum.

"ok! Is everyone ready?" mum asks. "yep!" everyone calls back.

we all walk to platform 9 3/4, run into the wall and walk near where the train arrives. ginny, harry and george sit on the bench and mum and dad go to find their friends so me and hermione are standing alone.

we look around at all the train station and see one person. one person we all hate.

draco malfoy. staring back, his eyes burning with hatred.

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