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ron weasley

"ron! ron let go of me!" ginny whisper yelled at me as we ran down the quiet dark hallway of hogwarts, as she struggled to release my hand off hers, but I kept my tight grip.

"gin! shush!" I whisper as I see hermione walking only a few feet in front of us as we turn a corner.

ginny stops trying to break free so I let go of her hand and we slowly walk down the hallway, hiding in the dark.

"let me go in front," ginny whispers.

"no-" but it's too late.

ginny steps on my foot which causes me to tumble forward. I try to keep my balance by holding out my arms, but instead whack ginny in the face.

"ow!" she whisper yells.

"shh!" I say grabbing ginny and running to a corner so hermione couldn't see us. hermione turned around in confusion, but when she sees nothing she keeps walking.

"ginny, you have to be quiet!" I whisper.

"I am! you tripped me!"

"If you'd listen to me then you wouldn't have tripped!"

"please. you control your own foot."

"bloody hell ginny! let's just go!" I say looking down and up the hallway before tip toeing the way hermione went.

hermione finally reached the stairs that lead to the tower. she skips up those, and we wait to walk up them until we hear hermione reach the top. once she does we silently race up the stairs.

"hey granger," I hear justin say. my heart pounds out of my chest and my ears turn red.

ginny takes my hand and we walk to the doorway of the tower room, just enough to see what justin and hermione are doing.

"hi justin," hermione sings.

justin sticks out his hand for hermione to take it. she stares at Justin for a while and studies his face, then takes his hand. "what are we doing?" she giggles.

"I thought we would watch the stars. but, not as a date of course, knowing we are just- friends." justin uses the word friends in a way you could only know he was up to something, causing me to growl.

"I know. but it's good to see you, I've just been with ron so mu-"

"sh shh. let's talk about something else," justin says picking up her hand and walking her to the ledge of the tower. hermiones hair blew in the cold wind and snow flakes fell down slowly, making her face light up.

"what's your plans? you know.. after hogwarts," justin says staring at hermione who is watching the wind.

"well, after ron and I decide where to work and what jobs we will get, we will eventually get settled, get married, have children."

my eyes widen at the word children. I mean, of course I want to marry hermione. but the last thing I wanted were little wobbly children running around, messing up the house, and ruining special nights for just hermione and I. besides, having more weasleys is the last thing this family needs.

"oh. were you thinking about getting another boyfriend?" justin says getting closer. I place my hand on my wand which is in my pocket and I begin to pull it out. ginny places her hand on mine and raises her eyebrow.

"wait," she whispers.

I watch her carefully, but place my wand back in my pocket, still keeping my hand on it.

"another boyfriend? I love ron too much to do that. If I didn't, I would get all the guys. I mean come on, look at me," hermione laughs.

"I am," justin says still staring at hermione.

hermione looks at him, but as none of us expected, justin grabbed her cheeks and smacked his lips against hers. hermione struggled to break free but couldn't, he was too strong.

"reducto!" I yell pointing my wand at justin. justin moves away from hermione, causing the spell to smack against the fence surrounding the edge of the tower, which makes the spell fly back towards me.

I quickly grab ginny and we both run to the corner, jumping so we miss the spell. we watch the spell hit the wall, and it disappears.

I slowly turn my head to see hermione and justin but am almost hit with another spell. "justin!" hermione cries trying to take his wand away. "Thats my boyfriend!" she yelps.

"he's not really a boyfriend, is he?! he's weak, and ugly. he's a weasley. look at him spying on you the one night you go out by yourself! you're too beautiful and intelligent for him," justin says lowering his wand, and his grip loosens.

hermione looks at both me and justin, half frowning. "I.. justin- you're right," hermione gasps looking at justin. I glance at hermione and see her hand pointing to his wand as she smiles at justin.

I smile at her intelligence and I slowly walk towards his hand. "justin I can't believe I didn't see this. you're so beautiful and strong," she gasps. I shoot her a glare for her dramatic scene, but also feel a pang of hurt. "just look into my eyes. I need to feel- our um.. love," she says half coughing at the last word.

justin smiles. "I knew you'd see the truth soon."

they both stare at eachother, and I quickly take his wand out of his hand. "hey!" he says trying to get it back.

I take out my wand too, ginny gets behind me with hers and hermione grabs hers.

"nobody has to get hurt. just promise you will never..." I walk towards him until I'm right at his face. "ever touch my hermione ever again!" I say almost yelling.

justin gulps largely and then he nods nervously. "promise," ginny warns.

"I-I promise. just let me go!" he nods in defeat.

"fine," I say moving out of the way, before he sprints out, leaving me, hermione and ginny standing in the tower. the room became awkward quick enough.

"ron.. I'm sorry," hermione says.

I look at her, but I walk out. I love her, but I can't believe she went. she should have known something was going to happen. he tried to kiss her many times before, but she didn't notice. I just don't need this.

"ron! ron! please ron!" hermione cries behind me.

"I'm going to bed," I mumble as I walk faster and out of the room. I hear hermione crying quietly down the hallway, and I want to run back and hold her. I want to make her feel safe and happy.. but I don't know what to feel right now. I just don't.

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