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luna lovegood

something strange happened as draco and I were standing at the front. everyone was staring at us all confused. I don't understand why everyone was so confused.

I walked down the hallway with draco to mcgonagall's office. she told us to meet her there after the feast. the whole time we walk nobody speaks. I want to start a conversation, but think I should wait.

we arrive at her office and stand at the door. as we wait I watch draco who leans against the wall and doesn't talk. he has a blank expression on her face, so I can't tell what he's feeling.

suddenly the door opens so we walk in.

"hello! sit down, sit down," mcgonagall says walking towards a small couch. draco and I look at eachother, then slowly walk to the couch and sit side by side. draco's hand accidentally touches mine which gives me a warm shiver up my spine, but he quickly moves his hand.

"now as you understand, you two are head girl and boy. since this is, you two will share a dorm for the rest of the year. I chose you two because.." she paused for second before she cleared her throat and spoke again "you two are very responsible students."

mcgonagall opens her mouth to speak, but draco cuts her off by chuckling quite softly. my eyes drift to him and I watch him look back at me, but quickly up at mcgonagall.

"I really doubt that."


"you picked us because I'm a horrible student that everyone hates, and luna," I feel a shiver when I hear him say my name. "she's a kind, better person than me. you either want me to get an image for hogwarts, or this is some sick 'good person' scheme. it won't work."

mcgonagall looks quite shocked, but slowly shakes her head and begins speaking, ignoring draco. "your password is mackled malaclaw. I expect you two to be responsible in your dorm. oh, and please don't share your dorm password with anyone. that's it, now go visit your dorm and head to class."

draco gets up quickly and walks as fast as he can out the door, and I follow. I eventually loose him, as he is walking really fast, so I wonder in the hallways searching for him, and find him in front of our dorm staring up at the big door.

"mackled malaclaw," he says. the door opens slowly and he walks in, so I run in after him before the door can catch my skirt. I look around amazed at the beauty of the room.

"wow," I say smiling when I see a huge picture of a unicorn hanging in the main room. "I think this is your room," draco mumbles walking out of a room.

I walk in and gasp. It's beautiful. It's a large room painted teal with a big brown dresser in the far left corner, then there is a queen bed at the back next to a night stand, and a small statue of a griffon stands next to a night lamp on the night stand.

there is another unicorn painting next to the door which is very large. I walk to the bed and lay down. I place my luggage down on the bed next to me.

I walk out of my room and close the door behind me, then I walk into the main room again, and so does draco.

"you probably think this is really stupid too," he says flopping on the couch.

"no, I don't," I say as I sit on the couch across from him. draco's eyebrows raise as he looks around. "you know, I don't hate you draco." I smile. I can see it in his eyes that he thinks I do hate him.

"oh really, lovegood? everyone hates me." I giggle when he calls me Lovegood.

"not me, malfoy." I smile. he narrows his eyes. "why did you call me malfoy?" he asks.

"you called me lovegood. I thought I might as well call you malfoy." I shrug my shoulders. he looks at me strange then asks, "why don't you hate me?"

"because malfoy," I say getting up.

"I believe in you. I believe that you were forced into this evil image and can't seem to escape, so you just followed it. but I believe you have a kind heart in there somewhere. you should let it out more often." I smile at him, walking to my room and closing my door, leaving him with surprise on his face.

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