419 13 3

ron wealsey

"you're lucky. this poison isn't very strong, but it has a powerful force that makes you lose all control over yourself. anyway, hermione is fine now and will be out tomorrow," dr. jean says smiling.

"but we are going to hogsmeade soon, can I take her?" I ask holding hermione's warm hand as she snores gently in her sleep.

"um.. I will see with the headmaster. but if she has her permission slip now it will be yes for sure."  I look down and close my eyes, sighing sadly. hermione's parents don't know her.

my mom will just have to sign hers then. "ok.. thanks," I say.

dr. jean grabs some pills off a desk and speed walks out of the room. I look at the clock and see it is 11:00, and that it is late.  I grab a pillow from another bed, place it on the wall, and sleep next to hermione. I place my hand on hers and kiss her cheek, as I slowly drift to sleep.


my eyes slowly open, and i see bright windows shining above me, which makes me go blind. I cover my eyes and close them, I slowly open my eyes once I regain my eye sight, and I glance over at hermione. I was hoping it was a dream. but it's not. my beautiful hermione was poisoned.

I grab hermione's hand and her eyes flutter open. "morning granger," I say planting a kiss on her cheek. she groans quietly.

"what happened?"

"you were poisoned," I quietly mumble, still trying to figure out; who would try to poison harry potter? other than the death eaters and followers of voldemort, knowing they are all away in azkaban and none of them could have placed the poisin unseen. "by who?" hermione gasps, sitting up slowly.

"we don't know," I shrug.

"we know!" harry says running in, holding ginnys hand. harry tried to speak but kept panting, obviously meaning he has been running alot.

"we ran all the way to three broomsticks and back! it was dean! dean tried to poison harry, and give me another love potion!" ginny cries.

hermione makes a confused face.
"he really wants you gin. you need to find a way to stop this," hermione grumbles, rubbing her head and trying to keep her eyes open.

"classes are starting soon. you get hermione back, and we will go get her stuff for you," harry says finally as ginny runs out and he tries to follow as fast as he can.

"ok," I mumble.

hermione looks over at me, and I stare into her eyes. she still has the same eyes she had in first year. she's so beautiful. I grab her cheeks and I kiss her.

I couldn't stand it no more, I loved her. we don't kiss a lot, since our only conversation involves arguing or school recently. but this felt like a right moment, like a forgiving moment.

we repeatedly kiss as I gently run my fingers threw her hair. I think about our first kiss in the chamber of secrets, and how magical it felt to finally hold her. I couldn't focus on anything but her. she was right there right then kissing me. I loved hermione for so long and I didn't want her to have a second thinking I don't. her lips brushed against mine and we repeatedly kissed. we didn't think about anything else but eachother. hermione strokes her finger down my cheek as she keeps kissing me.

I know her red lipstick is all over my face but I didn't care. I loved her so much. her dirty blonde hair fell onto her face as we kiss, so I brush it off. we separate staring into eachothers eyes deep.

"im sorry," she sighs. I know she means about all of the fights, and justin. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small little flower.

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