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luna lovegood

day 1

I woke up to complete silence. a silent hogwarts. no chattering kids wandering in the halls, no ghosts roaming loudly scaring first years, just silence.

I walk to dracos room, and I see a empty bed. I rub my eyes and sigh sadly. did he leave? is he on the train home? did he sneak out and leave me, ashamed to have ever kissed me?

"luna- no! get back into bed, now!" draco calls from the kitchen. I hear the sink run and a few pots clang together.

I realize it's winter break, kids are visiting their families; I don't have a family. draco has his mom, so I asked why he isn't planning to see her. he loves her, but whenever I mention her he comes up with lies about her and how she let his dad make him become like this.

I always tell him that it's not her fault. they were both under voldemort's orders, but he still doesn't listen. he wanted to stay with me, he didn't want me feeling alone.

I get back into bed and pull the covers over me. I bury my head into my soft pillows and I groan.

I love draco. thing is, I don't know where we are.

draco suddenly interrupts my thoughts by slamming my door open. "breakfaaaast!" he sings. I turn to my other side, acting like I'm sleeping. I hide my smirk and bury my head back into my pillow.

I feel a soft touch of a delicate hand touch me on my arm and run up and down. I don't move, so finally he screams my name in my ear.

I shoot up, then rub my eyes. "yess?"

"breakfast! come on." draco walks out and I stand up slowly to follow him to the living room. I walk slowly as my slippers loudly drag against the floor.

I walk towards draco and he runs towards me then picks me up. he spins me as I giggle madly, then he places me down on the couch.

draco serves breakfast, eggs with toast. I take a small bite and swallow slowly. I take another bite, then another, then another. I try the toast too, and soon realize I'm stuffing my mouth. I quickly chew and glance over at draco, noticing him staring at me.

I nervously chuckle and he turns red as a cherry when he snaps back to reality noticing my eye contact. he looks so perfect.

once we finished breakfast, we walk out of our dorm, talking about what we are planning to do during our very silent two weeks at hogwarts. we decide to go see hagrid, knowing he always has some sort of creature in that small house of his.

we walk out of the school and down the long path of stone steps, talking and giggling randomly. once we reach hagrids' house we knock on his large door.

he opens it slowly, then once he sees me he opens wide and pulls me into a hug. "hello luna! oh, it's so great to see you again! fang very much appreciates your help, he feels much better."

he glances over and once he sees draco his eyebrows form a strange shape and his lips form a straight line. "why's he here? why are you even here? and why are you two.. holding hands?" hagrid gasps at the end of every question, but slows down at the last one.

"hagrid- draco is good now. and we are... together," I smile. hagrids eyes widen, but he sneaks a smile.

"congrats, kiddos. come on in!" he opens his door and we walk in after him.

"so why are you two still at hogwarts? don't you have family's?" hagrid asks a little quiet as he pours us cups of coffee.

"my father was killed by voldemort," I mumble, as hagrid places the coffee in front of us and I nervously stir it. draco wraps his right arm around my and stirs his own coffee with the left.

"oh, I'm sorry luna," hagrid asks even more quiet. he pats me on the back then sits across from me. "so, what about you?"

"I uh, my dad left me and my mom. I don't really want to see my mom," draco mumbles. I see him looking at me at the corner of his eye, his eyes sparkling, but still looking at hagrid.

"well kids, if you want to meet a new creature I have, it's a unicorn! her name is marigold. why don't you come meet her?" I squealed as soon as hagrid said 'new creature'. 

he leads us outside to the forest, and near a tree see a beautiful white horse-looking creature. I walked closer to it, but felt dracos tug on my arm.

I glance back at him and he raises an eyebrow. I look over at hagrid who is leading the unicorn closer to us. I smile as the unicorn bows when she's in front of us.  I bow back and pet the beautiful unicorn. her hair was so soft, and her fur felt as soft as a furry carpet.

marigold looks at me, her sparkling blue eyes shine, and I smile big. I look over at dracos who's looking down and nervously kicking twigs and leaves. I grab his arm and pull him towards marigold.

he looks at me, then at the unicorn, then finally pets her. he sighs of relief after holding his breath when marigold gently whines in a cheerful way when draco pets her.

"you guys can visit marigold whenever you want. found her in the woods, just a baby. her mom was killed by some animals, and she was lonely, so I took her in. she's well and healthy now, but be gentle; she's very shy. I'm going inside now," hagrid puffs as he walks inside his house.

I glance over at draco and smile. he half smiles back. I look away, but I know draco is still staring at me. I look back and see he is closer. he soon places his lips on mine so softly, so gently. I feel my worries and sadness fly away and draco filling me up. draco is my happiness. he can keep me happy even with my father being gone. he can keep me happy even though I am a different person from everyone else. he makes me happy even though I'm me. he knows what to do to make me feel special, without even knowing he knows. his smile makes me smile. his kisses make me feel like I'm on cloud 9.

we separate slowly, still looking in eachothers eyes. "luna, I love you," draco breaths.

"I love you too," I say back pulling him into a hug, my head buried in his chest as we watch marigold sprint around chasing a butterfly.

draco's arms hold me, keeping me safe.

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