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please read until the end. i'm sorry it is annoying, but it is important.

i know this is so annoying, and it is annoying for me too. i just want to make this clear, and get it over with.

this book started 2 years ago when i was a hugely obsessed fan of the harry potter series, sort of. and so, i found out i loved to write and began writing this book along with my other old book wild, which was unpublished a long while ago. believe me when i say this, these books have gotten so many reads, and so many people enjoyed my books, and that made me so happy.

wild had 1k people reading it, and this book just recently hit 6k reads! i can't begin to explain how i happy i am that this happened. it makes me so proud that people like my writing and the ideas that i create.

sadly enough, i have discontinued and recountinued this book too many times. i keep getting too busy to publish, or i feel unhappy with it. i have said this so many times before and i promise this is the last time, but as much as i am proud and happy of where this book has gone, but i don't want to keep writing this.

i want to continue writing books, but i want to start working on different kinds of books that i feel happy with and would like to sit down and read because i want to, and not just because i have to.

i understand this is a bad way to say thank you for the 6k reads you guys have given me, but i would like to move on and focus on something new instead of trying to continue something i don't find as fun as i did before. i will keep this account up, and the book also, but i will no longer be writing books and publishing anything on this account.

thank you all so much for your support on my book. <3

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