chapter 3

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heyy, here's chapter 3 hope you guyz enjoy╰(*°▽°*)╯



I went to check but I saw someone whom I wasn't excepting at all and it was...

As soon as I opened the door I saw a black luxury car infront of me and was surrounded by guards in all black suits "Pearl??" said one of the guard at the door "Yes I'm" I replied "As per orders we are here to take you with us" that's it I froze right there after what he said... why are they here to take me

"How can you randomly come in my house and tell me that we are here to take you?? And what orders huh??" I said in a curiosity expecting an answer.

"Mr. Ashton has sent us here" that's it, that's all what he said and I had no reply to give him in return "please don't let us force you to come with us" he first place I didn't wanted to meet dad but somewhere in my heart it says to go with them but what about Anne.. she will probably be so mad..

"Miss??" he said while raising his eyebrows. "y-yeah I'm coming" I replied and sat in the car.. I cant believe I agreed to go with them.

After we reached I got out of the car and stood infront of a big luxury villa in black can be named as a mansion I guess, I followed the guards and went inside .. now I am in the living room sitting on the couch doing what the guards told me to, they said to wait here they will be back in some time.

I wonder if dad lives alone in such a big luxury villa

I can hear someone come in here oh my god is it dad??? I quickly closed my eyes cos I knew if I met him I would probably end up crying "Pearl" I opened my eyes to see dad infront of me welcoming me with a warm smile...I couldn't help but ran to hug him and so he did hugged me back. "I missed you dad, where were you" I finally let it all out crying.. "oh honey I missed you too" he said...I feel so good like so good to meet dad after years.. I don't care why he left me but all I know is that he is back now. "So you don't want to know why I've called you here after so many years??" he asked.... I  suddenly forgot everything what I was here for and all those questions I wanted to ask him, now I just want what I didn't had for years I don't need anything else.

"No I don't have any questions" 



"Why are you back again?? and yes just keep it in your mind that now pearl will never come back to you and I wont let you hurt her in any way" I gave Ashton a warning "And you think I'm scared of you??" he said confidently.. why is he so confident oh pearl okay...I have to go check up on pearl "Don't you dare try to trap pearl in your evil plans because she won't listen you its all over.." I stood up and was about to go but was cut off by "save her if you can" 

yes that's it for this week stay tuned to know that how can pearl be in danger when she is just with her dad

what could Ashton do to pearl??

is Diana still alive ??

bybye tc (^∀^●)ノシ

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