chapter 12

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Diana's P.O.V

"I don't get it...what do you mean Aiden?" I questioned, still thinking about what all he just said."Why don't you just do what I said?" He questioned me back. "fine, anything?" I asked to confirm.

"yeah, anything" he added with a warm smile.

I still have a lot of questions. 

"clear them out later" his response shocked me once again. can he read minds?

"oh my god, just do it" he exclaimed. "yeah okay" 

I wish to be with the ocean even after death, no matter what it takes, I don't care what all I have to go through. i closed my eyes and wished, i kept smiling as i thought about my wish.

"Done, now what?" I asked Aiden.

"now just wait for it to come true" He muttered. "what do you mean, Aiden?"I raised my eyebrow. "Is that your husband?" He asked, I turned back to see no one. "Wher-" I turned back to Aiden to find out he is not there anymore. "D-did he just fooled me, oh my GOD..why am i so dumb" I whispered, I checked the time and it is really late now omg. I have to go back before Ashton reaches or else he would be mad again.


*reaches home*

"I'm back" I shouted to make sure there's no one at home, "yes thank god there's no one"

I went into my room and sat on the couch and kept thinking about what happened. Who was that boy?  how did he know what i was thinking? he must be joking, I guess.


Next morning

I was so lost in my thougths that i didn't even realised when I fell asleep.

I quickly went to the living room then to the other bedroom and the kitchen then the backyard and so on searching Ashton, where the hell he even is? I went to the living room and sat on the couch with my face buried in my hands thinking about where he could be.

should i message him?
yes i should

I quickly grabbed my phone and messaged Ashton.

Hey Ashton, where are you?
Are you okay??



Did he just read my message and went straight offline and here it's me dying about the fact where he is since last night. I threw my phone on the table and laid back on the couch while cursing Ashton.


5 hours later

I kept checking my phone expecting a message from Ashton, he is missing since last night.

I've called all his friends, family and everyone i could think of...

But he's no where to be found.

I'm worried now...

i was roaming all around the living room walking around waiting for him.


4 hours later

*slowly opens eyes*

"AAAAAAA-" I screamed but was cut off by "shhh relax, it's me Aiden haha"

W- what are you doing here?.. How did you get in?" I questioned.

"Which question do I answer first?" He muttered and jumped on the couch. I did nothing but kept watching him while raising an eyebrow and my jaw dropped.

"What's so surprising?" asked Aiden. "You didn't answered my question" I added.

He sighed and sat straight on the couch, "I was bored so i came here so see you, and what was the other questio- yeah I came through the main door what else do you think?? I came here climbing the walls???? Who do you think I am?? A monkey??" he explained, aggressively. I couldn't help but laugh at his explanation.

"The main door?" I questioned

he nodded in reply. did I left the door open. "yeah maybe that's how I came in" said Aiden. "Aiden" I shouted.

"What" he shouted back in response. "How do you read my mind" I stood up and exclaimed.

he laughed and replied " Ah you know Aiden the talented haha". "SHUT UP AND TELL ME" I yelled at him.

"uh- I've learned my uncle.. yeah" He responded.  "You're not lying right?" I asked. "obviously.. not, why would I lie" he forced his laughter.

"You better don't lie to me" I warning him while pointing a finger on him.

"Well, where's your husband?" asked Aiden with a smirk. "he is missing since last night... and what's that's smirk for??" I raised an eyebrow.

"O-Oh don't worry about him" he replied controlling his laugh.

Why is he acting like this?



How are you??

Ik I've been inactive from the past 2-3 weeks but now I'll try to update every 1-2 day. ❤

bye tc :)

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