A chill hangout

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*Hey so before we officially start the chapter, I just wanted to say thank you too everyone who has been reading my book so far I hope you are enjoying it and yeah. Also the reason my publishing is all over the place is because I've been having exams and not feeling great and just a little shoutout to my bestie IzzyJane5021 She is an amazing story writers and if you like Chicago Police stuff then you will love her story*

Y/n's Pov:
Finally it's the weekend, I had been working hard for five days straight and now it was time to relax.
Well that's what I thought I would be doing until Monica came over to the couch and made me wake up.
"Y/n/n you've got to wake up now, as we've got to do some thing!" She said cheerfully
"Ugh, Mon it's 7:30am and you want me to get up on the weekend." I grumbled
"Yes! We've got a lot to do!" She replied
"Okay. Fine." I yawned, stretching my body

Then I saw what she wanted to do today, cleaning.
"Wait we've got to clean the apartment?" I asked
"No silly! That's what I'm doing! I just needed you out the way, sorry y/n." She answered
"Okay, it's fine I'll just get changed and go over to Joey and Chandler's until you are ready for my return." I said
"Okay that's great!" She said
So I rolled out of my makeshift bed and made my way to grab my clothes and get changed in the bathroom. I did get changed into comfy clothes as I wasn't going anywhere.

After I had got dressed and had a shower and clean my teeth, I made my way over to the guys apartment.
Opening the door, I was met by Chandler making pancakes.
"Hey Chandler!" I said
"Oh hey y/n/n!" He replied
"Why are you making that many pancakes?" I asked
"Well you see, I have many different souls from people inside my body, so I have to feed them." He replied
"Right....okay." I said
"It's because Joey had a girl over and my job is to make her pancakes." He whispered
"Oh, okay." I whispered back

For the next hour, I spent chatting to Chandler and Joey's hookup, and I received a warning from Chandler to make sure that if I want to remain on good terms with ANY of my friends that could be girls, to keep them out of Joey's way. Otherwise, I will face the consequences of a cold shoulder.

But I was enjoying the company of all these new people that I only knew for a few days, but they were feeling like an amazing family and home.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S x reader  *DISCONTINUED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora