Catching up

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Y/n's Pov:
When Monica had notified me that she has finished cleaning I was able to go back to the apartment and sort out some stuff.
"Ugh, Mon how do you seem so energetic, even after cleaning?" I asked
"Well you see y/n/n I do things that make me happy, and cleaning makes me happy." She answered
"Wait, so a thing that could be classed as a chore, you find amazing to do?" I wondered
"Yes! It's just makes the world a better place." She said
"Okay." I replied

While Mon was cooking, I was having to talk to my parents as they were wondering where I had gone.
"Yes I'm fine." I said
"Are you sure y/n? I mean you can come back home at any time." My mother replied
"I know, I just want to make sure you're alright, I know that you aren't the best at certain things." She said
"Thanks that means a lot, well I have to go as Monica wants me to help her with something." I said
"Okay bye sweetie." She said.
"Bye." I replied hanging up

Monica looked over at me with a questioning look, "What do I need you to do to help me?"
"I don't know, I just needed to get off the phone, my mother is so annoying." I said
"Really?! She seemed nice." Monica said
"Well she likes certain people, and I am not one of the lucky ones." I added
"Same with my mom she prefers Ross over me." She said
We laughed as we found it funny, in a way.

In the evening Rachel had come home and was chatting about her day, "My supervisor took on one of my ideas and loved it!"
"Well done Rach!" I congratulated her
"Well done honey!" Monica added
"But like this is so big, I'm just so happy!" Rachel said
Me and Monica smiled at her, happy with how excited she is that one of her ideas might get somewhere on the company.

For the rest of the evening, we chatted like high school girls. Relationships after high school, things that had happened after we left school.
It was great to have a catch up with them and know what happened from the last time we had seen each other.

*hey guys so I know this chapter isn't the best but yeah, anyways I will me writing in Monica and Chandler's secret relationship as why not. I hope you are enjoying it so far. Also this week is my last week in year 11, so there may be slow updates as I'm going to be enjoying my last days at school!*

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