First day

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Will's Pov:
So I have met this really lovely person named y/n, they seen really funny and kind to which is a relief.
I think we will be really good friends and it's also a bonus that we are working on the the same floor but it is a bit of a disappointment that we are not working for the same person.

The elevator alerts us both that we have arrived at our floor, we step out of it and make our way along a corridor.

"So if you don't mind me asking, where did you work before you came here?" Y/n asks
"I used to work in a bank and then it became kind of boring and I wanted a change of setting." I answer
"That's cool!" Y/n replies
"Where did you work before you came here?" I ask
"Oh I used to do photography, but then some stuff happened and I ended up in New York and got this job." Y/n says
"Nice." I reply I don't know if I said that a bit too boring
"Well I hope you have a good first day!" Y/n says before heading off
"Yeah thank you, hope you have a good day too!" I reply
I now go into the office and it now hits me that it is my first day.

*hi guys I'm so so sorry this took so long I've had a lot going on and I just kinda forgot about this but yeah sorry again :)*

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