They don't know that we know they know we know they know

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Y/n's Pov:
"Hey Joey, you alright?" I asked
"Y-y-yeah why wouldn't I be?" Joey stuttered
"I don't know." I added
"Okay cool." Joey said
Me, Rachel and Phoebe all exchanged looks, and we all thought that there was something that Joey may be hiding as he is not his usual confident self.
"Are you sure there is nothing you want to tell us Joe?" Rachel questioned
"" Joey replied
"Joey?" Rachel said sternly
"Okay okay! Monica and Chandler know about the plan!" Joey answered, finally
"What?!" Me, Rachel and Phoebe said at the same time
"They know!" Joey repeated
"And how do they know?" I asked
"I maybe accidentally told them." Joey muttered, under his breath
"Wait?! You told them?!" I said
"Yeah....." Joey said
"Oh my god! Joey!" Rachel shouted
"It wasn't my fault they really questioned me and I cracked!" He said
"Wait. They don't know that we know they know we know they know!" Phoebe exclaimed
"Yes. We can still do some stuff, Phoebe go over to Chandler and flirt with him and stuff and try and get him to crack." Rachel ordered
"Okay got it." Phoebe answered
"Okay let's go." Rachel said

Monica's Pov:
The phone has rang and Phoebe was going to come over and see Chandler.
So we had a plan to try and get Phoebe to crack.
And obviously we were going to win because it was my team, and my team always wins.
So I prepared Chandler and told him to go for it and try his best as I wanted us to win.
So I am now in the bathroom, cleaning as I have nothing better to do and well the bathroom needed a clean so I had to do it.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S x reader  *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now