Don't worry honey!

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Y/n's Pov:
When Phoebe said that I could tell her I wanted to tell her how I was feeling about this whole thing, but I didn't know how to put it into words so that's why I said, "Thank you Pheebs, and if there was something that was bothering me. I would tell you."
"Okay!" Phoebe replied
We then sat in silence, we both didn't know what to say to each other after that. So you could say that it could have been uncomfortable but it wasn't really.

It was much later, I was at work as I got called in for something and it was just me and Rosie. She had brought brought me a cup of coffee (sorry if you don't like that) to help me stay awake, hopefully.
A few minutes later she walked in with some biscuits on a plate (they are cookies for other people but where I'm from we cal them biscuits), "Hey y/n, I just thought that you could bring you some snacks!" Rosie said
"Oh, thank you Rosie!" I said
I carried on working, it was not too much and I was going through it quickly, until I remembered the situation and I just stopped working.
"Hey y/n, are you alright?" Rosie asked
"Hmmm oh yeah." I said
"Anything on your mind?" Rose asked
"Yeah but it's just so confusing." I admitted
"Do you want to talk about it?" Rose said
"I don't know." I said
"Well I'm here if you want to talk about it." Rosie said
There were a few minutes where nothing was said and I was drinking my coffee.
"Actually do you mind if I do tell you?" I asked
"No it's fine." Rosie said
"Okay, so there if my friend and he flirted with a girl and got a date. And even though I was very annoyed that he is one of those people who says he will call someone even though he won't, there was a hint of jealous I could feel that was deep inside me." I said
"Oh, well I believe that you may have a small crush on him but you don't want to admit it to yourself." Rosie said
"Hmmm, well I have never thought about it that way before." I said
"Well don't worry about it honey. I'm sure that it will get better. And if something does happen between you two. He will be a lucky guy to have found someone so kind." Rosie added
"Thank you Rosie." I said
I gave her a hug and thanked her again for help and advice even though it wasn't much, it helped.

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