Chapter 1

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Teenage Tula

"And then George Washington was sworn in and became the first..." Tula tuned out as her teacher droned on and on. She decided to play her favorite game. She looked around to the others in the class, trying to figure out their feelings by their hand movements and eye wanderings. The boy two seats away was hiding something important- he kept looking around nervously and jumped whenever someone said something to him. The girl behind her was nervous- she was occasionally staring into space and tapping her fingers, as she chewed on her botton lip. The guy in front of her was waiting for someting- he kept looking at the door. He was relieved of his wait soon enough. A knock on the door caused the entire class to jump and he smiled broadly. A teacher aid came in with a call slip for him and he left quickly, having packed all his stuff a long time ago.

"I have a really fun activity planned for you," Mrs. J said, smiling as the class perked up. Her activities were always interesting. "You need to be in groups of three, I have the list here." She began to read of names in groups of three, as Tula listened hard for her name. As she got her group, which she was really happy with, she began to wonder where Jay had gone. Making a mental note to text him later, she proceded to work with Stephanie, the only remaining memebr of her group. As they began to summarize the letter, Tula spaced out, thinking about all the things she needed to do, and trying to block out everyone's radiating feelings simultaneously. "Tula! Tula, you listening? I just asked if this was what George Washington meant when..." Stephanie interrupted her train of thought, forcing her to focus on the task at hand. Sighing slightly, she turned back to her worksheet and began to discuss their assignment.

Tula was the first one up when the bell rang and as she walked out to lunch, she began to plan for all the work she had to do. She sat down with a plop on her usual bench, waiting for her friends to get there. It was unusual for her to be the first one at the bench, but she didn't mind. She was trying to find the perfect birthday gift for Jay, and was so lost in thought that she didn't notice Clary sit down on the bench next to her until Clary shook her with a loud, "Snap out of it, I have to tell you something!" Tula turned and smiled, lauching Clary into her story. "So we had our swing dance test just now, and we danced alone, and I think I did really well..." Tula tried hard to listen to her excited story, but she kept thinking about the present she needed to plan. Soon Tara joined them at the bench, relieving Tula from the need to listen to Clary's strory and letting her plan in peace. Thirty minutes later, the bell reminded her that she hadn't eaten, and she trudged off to literature with an empty stomach.

Later that day, she texted Jay.

Hey, where did you disappear today?


Oh cool, how was it?

Good, except I hurt my arm

You really should be more careful.

Yeah. Hey sorry I have to go, ttyl?

Yeah bye.

As Tula went through her Instagram out of boredom, she struck gold on a birthday present idea.


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