Chapter 10

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Adult Tula

Tula and Jay looked around in surprise. "She was here a minute ago!" Jay exclaimed.

"I swear!"

Jay walked up to the receptionist and asked, "Do you know where May went?"

"The tall girl with dark hair?"


"I think she went to her office. She mentioned forgetting something, I think."

"Thanks!" Turning to Tula, he said, "Hurry before she does her disappearing act again."

"I'm coming!"

The two of them ran through the main hallway, which was, thankfully, empty. They finally spotted the mysterious May coming out of one of the office rooms. At least, they thought it was May. Her face was covered and you couldn't see her hair, but she was definitely tall.

"Go ahead, Jay. I'm going to lag behind so that she can't slip away."

"Good idea." Jay walked towards her and she stopped.

"I'm sorry," she said, "do I know you?"

"I don't think so," Jay replied, "Are you May?"

"Yes, I go by May."

"Okay. Can I just ask you something real quick?"

"Ummm yeah, sure, I guess."

"Do you live with your parents?"

"Yes, but I'm moving out next week."

"Thanks, just one last thing. Do you have a sister?"

"No," she said, quite rudely, stomping away without looking back.

"What was that all about?" Tula asked, running up to a stunned Jay.

"She does live with her parents. I asked about her sister, but that's what made her mad."

"This is really odd. I honestly expected her to care more. What power did you say she had?"

"She helps other people a lot."

"That's a lot like Lennor. I'm really confused. I also have to get back to school before my break is over. I'll catch you later?"

"Okay. Are you going to tell Lennor what we found?"

"Not yet. Once we have more. I don't want to give her any wrong information."

"Good idea. Text me when you're free."

"Yeah. Bye."

Tula ran out and rushed back to school, but stopped at the sight that greeted her eyes. An ambulance and two cop cars stood parked in front of the school. Fearing the worst, Tula ran in. That's when her nightmares came true. Lying on the floor right outside the office were two very similar looking girls. They were tall and had dark hair peeking out from under the blankets that someone had covered them with.

"What the...?" Tula exclaimed as she surveyed the scene in front of her.

"We're not sure," the receptionist answered. "One of those girls ran into the office in a hurry and went into the school through the student entrence. She ignored anything that was said to her and just kept running. A minute later, the other one did exactly the same thing, but when she enetered the school, there was a scream and the next thing anyone knew, they were on the ground, exactly were they are now. There is no blood or anything, but we covered them up anyway."

"One of those girls is a student here," Tula said, wondering how much she should say about 'May'. Deciding on feigning ignorance, she didn't say anything about May.

"Yes, someone said that."

"Okay. Take them to the hospital, make sure they're watched the entire time and keep them separate until I look into this," Tula said briskly, smoothly taking control of the situation. She whipped out her phone and texted Jay as she went to her office to use the laptop. She typed 'Lennor Martin' into the student record and was stunned. According to the records, there was no such person in the school.

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