Chapter 25

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A/N: Sorry, I know, author's note before and all, but I have super exciting news!!!! I'm going to start working on a new story, Seashore Secrets. I won't publish that until I finish this one, and this one is almost done. :)
Teenage Tula

"That's the one!!" Albey said, jumping up and down in excitement as Tula walked out of the fitting room in a knee length white dress that hung in layers. It was bound together by a cream colored belt that matched the designs on the top half of the dress. It looked gorgeous and Tula couldn't help twirling around, giggling helplessly.

They paid for the dress and went back to Albey's house. They had lunch, and began to dress up for graduation, that would start at 3:30pm. As Tula was doing her hair, her phone began to play Demons, signaling that she was getting a call. Digging it out from under the pile of clothes on Albey's bed, she saw that it was Jay. Walking out to the mini-balcony outside Albey's room, she picked up the call.


"Hey, Tula!  Are you guys almost ready?"

"Maybe, why?"

"Ethan and I are coming to pick you up."

"Really? It's fine really. We're walking anyway, you don't have to walk all the way here."

"But we want to. Leaving in five, be ready!"

Laughing, Tula said, "Cya Jay!"

"Bye Tul!"

Tula walked back inside and told Albey that they had to be ready in five minutes. The two of them hurried up, and Tula had just picked up her bag when the door bell rang. The two friends looked at each other and ran for the door, laughing and racing each other to the door. Stopping right outside, they fixed themselves and Albey opened the door. She hugged Ethan and grabbed her purse, and the four of them walked to school together.


"So hot!" Albey complained, as they sat in the sun, waiting for everyone to receive their diplomas.

"I know," Tula said, laughing.

"Guys, we're leaving! Tara said, nudging Tula and standing up. They walked off the field, skipping as soon as they got out of sight of the audience.

"Albey, I'm going to go talk to Erika and Jay, and solve this issue."

"Good luck! See you later!"

"Bye Al!"

Tula wandered around, searching for Erika, and found her, conveniently, next to Jay. Pulling them away from the crowd, she stopped in an almost deserted corridor and sat on a bench.

"What?" Erika complained, "I'm busy. Now unless you have a valid reason for dragging me here, I'm leaving."


"Okay, fine. Erika, I'm really sorry, but I just don't like you that way." Taking her aside, Jay said some other things as Tula waited, hoping they'd sort it out. Ten minutes later, Jay and Erika walked back to Tula, apologizing.

"Tula, I'm really sorry for being mean and rude lately," Erika said, "I know it's not your fault. Anyway, I'm moving to go live with my Aunt and Uncle in Boston, so it won't matter."

"I'm sorry too, for being so inconsiderate," Tula said, hugging her.

"Me too," Jay added.

"So... truce?"


The three walked back, smiling, and Tula went off in search of Albey.

"I take it everything was good?" Albey asked, popping up suddenly from behind Tula.

Tula jumped, (accidently) smacking her in the face. "Yeah," she said.

"What's the deal with you and Jay then?"

"I'm still not sure. We are going to the party together, so hopefully things get sorted out."

"Hopefully. I was-"

Albey was interrupted as someone pulled Tula away. "Tula, sorry. You just disappeared, and we need to talk."

"Yes, we do. What's the deal with us?"

"Will you go out with me?"


"Thank you, Tula! I promise you won't regret it."

"Okay. Cya later? I need to get back to Al. She's probably waiting for me."







"This is frickin' awesome!!!" Albey said, as she, Tula, Ethan and Jay posed crazily iin the photo booth.

"Yeah!! Too bad we have to leave soon." Tula said, holding up a peace sign for the next photo.

They walked out and took their pictures, when the DJ announced that they had to leave. They were pulled into the crowd of students hugging their friends and saying goodbye.

Three hours later, Tula and Albey sat on Albey's bed, talking about everything and promising to keep in touch even though they were going to different high schools. Soon, they were fast asleep.


A/N: It's not great, but that was the last Teenage Tula chapter. I'll have just one more chapter for Adult Tula, and then I'll be done with story. Hope you guys liked it!


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