Chapter 2

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Adult Tula

Tula sat in her office, completely glued to the book she was reading. She was interrupted by a knock on the door. Crossing the room in three steps, she opened the door to a girl who she'd seen around in school.

"Hi," the girl said, "I'm Stacey."

"Hey Stacey, I'm Ms. H. Come on in." Tula said, stepping back to let her in. "Make yourself comfortable," she said as she closed the door and sat back on her chair. Stacey had found the perfect spot on the rocking chair and was rocking softly, looking up at Tula.

"What's wrong?" Tula asked, smiling at Stacey.

"I'm having a bad day," She said in a small voice.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

Stacey nodded.

"Go ahead."

"Well, I was just walking to my class when this random person I don't know trips me over. His entire gang started laughing at me and I couldn't get up because my leg hurt. One of the eighth graders passing by helped me up and took me to my next class, but I don't know who she is. I don't feel like walking around anymore."

"See, Stacey, not everyone is the same. Some people have a sick sense of humor. But there are loads of good people in the world, like the girl that helped you. Just stay away from people who look like they don't want to talk to you, ignore people's comments and it'll all work out."

"Thanks," Stacey said in a small voice. "I'm feeling better now. I think I'll go to my next class."

"Okay. I'll write you a pass. Just be careful okay?" Tula waited for Stacey to nod before continuing, "Why don't you come talk to me tomorrow in lunch? We can see how you're doing then."

"Sure," Stacey said, turning to leave.

"One more thing," Tula called after her, "Describe the girl who helped you, please."

"She was tall and has black hair. I couldn't see her properly, but I do remember she had a small phone bag, because it kept getting in the way."

"Okay thank you. See you tomorrow!" Tula said, closing the door behind her. She sat down on her couch and thought hard.
For the third time this week, students had been helped by this girl. None of them knew her, but they all described her the same way. Tall, dark hair. Tula had an interesting suspicion about this girl and was determined to find her.

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