Chapter 11

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Teenage Tula

The next few hours were a blur as Tula rushed around behind the medics as they tried to figure out what had happened. By the time they finally reached the hospital, Jay on the stretcher, the medics all around and Tula following anxiously, she had come up with a pretty good theory about what had happened. She couldn't share it with the medics, though. They wouldn't understand all the complications. She decided to try to get through to him. He might actually know what's going on. She knew it would be dangerous though, and that she might damage something since his mind was so weak. So slowly but surely, she pulled herself out of her mind and into his. She was, thankfully, prepared for the confusion she was greeted with. Stripping away the outside layers, she reached the part of his mind that was untouched.

Jay? Jay, listen to me. If you know what's going on, I need you to help me right now.

Tula? Is that you?

It's me. Tell me, quick. I've completely abandoned my body so I could safely get to you, and if someone sees me, they'll think I've passed out too, and that's the...

Last thing we need. Yeah. Well, I know for sure that I passed out because I got another sudden overload of power, and it hit me so suddenly that my body automatically reacted by shutting down. I'm pretty sure that I've got my powers back, we just need to find a way to avoid the huge burst of energy and keep it under control.

Okay. I've read about huge bursts of power, it happens, but really rarely. I think all you need to do is focus on the power and pull it in, but it doesn't say how. I've always thought it would be something like harnessing a horse. Maybe like imagine controlling a wild animal. I have to go now, when you think you've got it under control, talk to me like this so I can check on you before you wake up.

Okay. Stay safe.

I will, you too.

With that, Tula pulled back, just in time, and saw a medic walking up to her. "Doc will see you now, Miss," he said.

"Thank you," Tula replied, following him back along the passageway he came from. She was led into the doctor's office, where she was greeted by an elderly man. He nodded to the medic, who left, closing the door behind him.

"Sit down," the doctor said, waving his hand at the chairs in front of his desk. He continued as she did so. "Your friend seems to be unharmed, maybe he was just exhausted. We are yet to find any signs that he could have had a stroke, so we are forced to say that he has not been harmed in any way. Personally, I know something deeper is going on." The doctor looked straight at Tula with a twinkle in his eyes.

"You know?" Tula asked, confused.

The doctor just looked at her as realization dawned and her mouth formed a round 'O'. "How long?" she asked, wondering just how many more surprises she could handle in a day.

"Ever since I could remember," he replied. "What's more, I'm exactly like you."

"Really? Will you teach me?"

"Yes. Now, back to the matter at hand Your friend,"

"Jayden," Tula supplied.

"Yes him. The cause of his passing out is clear. I think you have figured it out by now too."

"Yeah. Power overload."

"Close, but not exactly. It is actually a block in his head that is restricting normal energy flow. The only way to get rid of it is if someone physically gets into his head and removes it. I also happen to know that you can get into his head when no one else can."

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