Chapter 8

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Adult Tula

As Tula sat thinking about Lennor, she suddenly remembered Jay. He had been the first Gifted person she'd seen after she'd realized that she wasn't making it up and done all the reasearch. She had found many since him, but the first time is always really special. She also hadn't spoken to him since the time they'd bumped into each other a year ago and exchanged new numbers. Knowing she had time, Tula decided to catch up with her old friend.

She took a deep breath as the phone rang and smiled, hoping he'd pick up. He did just then.



Tula! I was just thinking about you!

What a coincidence! Anyway, what's going on at your end?

I've been looking for Gifted ever since I got out of college.

I've been doing that too.

Would you like to go grab a bite? If you're not busy, that is.

Well, I'm in school right now...

School? I've got to hear about this. Which school?

Take a guess.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Yup. That's the one!

Would you believe I work five minutes away?

No way!

Yeah, I can't believe we've been this close and haven't spoken in ages!

This is crazy. Now put the phone down and get over here.

See you in a bit!



Tula couldn't wait to see Jay again. She put on her scarf and went to the office. As she was telling them that she was going to take a break for a while, he walked in. The receptionist nodded and Tula walked out with him. They walked in silence for a while, and then Jay said, "So..." Then the fine line of tension broke and they burst out laughing. Five minutes later, they were sitting in Dunkin' Donuts, eating chocolate covered donuts and telling each other about everything that had happened over the past year. "Hold that thought," Jay said, "Before I forget. School?"

"You know how I always wanted to be a psychologist? Well, this way I get to be around kids, be a psychologist, and spot new Gifts all at the same time. That's killing three birds with one stone."

"That's really cool! I also wanted to ask you about this one girl I found. She has a gift I've never seen before. It's something to do with..."

"Helping others?" Tula finished.

"Yeah, you read my mind! No pun intended, of course," Jay replied a half curious, half grinning expression on his face. "How did you know?"

"I had a hunch, I just met a girl like that too. Describe her for me."

"Hmmm.... Tall, dark hair? Goes by May?"


Yeah that's her name."

"Oh. Well, the description fits, but her name's Lennor."

"I'd love to meet her."

"It's lunch, so if we hurry, we can catch her before her next class."

"Okay, let's go!"

Five minutes later, they were tearing through the hallways, looking for Lennor. It wasn't too hard to find her, by the virtue of her height, and they took her aside.

"Hey Tula. Hey...?"

"Jay," he filled in for her, "I'm a friend of Tula's from when we were in school."

"Oh hey! Pleasure to meet you. Is there something I can help you with?"

Tula and Jay looked at each other, and Jay was the one to start the conversation this time.

How much do you want to tell her?

Just ask about her parents and siblings.

"Could you tell us about your parents?" Jay asked.

"I don't know them," she replied looking at the ground. "Well I don't know my real parents. I was adopted really young."

Tula and Jay shared a looked that communicated so plainly what they were both thinking that there was absolutely no need for another silent conversation.

"We might have some news for you," Tula said, "But we need to verify it first. How about I tell you in three days?"

"That's great, thanks!"

"Okay, now get to your class."

"Will do."

With that, Lennor walked off to her next class.

"Oh my god!" Tula said, unable to control herself.

"I know right?!" Jay replied.

"Let's go!"

"Right away."

The two of them left to go to Jay's workplace, where the other tall Gifted girl with dark hair worked as an intern. As they reached, they spotted her just inside the double doors of the big building. They walked up to her, but just before they were withing range of talking to her, she was gone.

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