Chapter 17

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Teenage Tula

Jay looked at Tula, worried, as his brother Ethan came running in. "What happened? Who screamed?"

"I'm sorry for scaring you guys," Tula said, "I just had a bad dream. I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" Ethan asked.

"Yup, I'm just going to the bathroom, I'll be right back."


Tula went down the hall and into the bathroom. She sank down on the mat and closed her eyes, trying to get rid of the image of the lady. But try as she might, she couldn't free herself. Not wanting to make Jay and Ethan suspicious, she washed her face and opened the bathroom door... to find Ethan waiting outside, arms crossed. "What's wrong?"


"You can't fool me. I know you're not okay."

"Okay, it's a long story. First I should talk to my mom."

"Oh apparently Jay called her when you were asleep and told her you were going to sleep over because you had fallen asleep on the couch. She said that was fine."

"Okay cool. Did he find my phone?"

"Yup. Albey has it. He's gone to get it,"

"Oh my god. I owe him. He's much too nice."

"That he is. Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"Okay. We'd better sit down."

They sat down on the couch and Tula explained the whole logic of Gifts to him. She then related what she had done to the wall in Jay's mind and last of all, Belle. When she got to the part about her dream the night before, Ethan looked at her, shocked. 

"So this Belle lady is haunting you?"

"Yeah I guess. It's really scary and I don't know what to do! I can't talk to Jay about it because that day doesn't exist to him. If I remind him, everything will go to waste, and our Gifts will be unstable."

"That's a lot to keep to yourself. I'm glad you told me."


"I'll help you figure everything out, just trust me, and everything will be fine."

Tula nodded as she stared at one spot on the floor and tried not to cry. She barely knew Ethan, and didn't want to cry in front of anybody, least of all him. To her, he had always just been Jay's brother, and she had barely had a proper conversation with him. He seemed really nice though. Suddenly, she felt his arms around her and realized she had started crying. It wasn't uncomfortable at all, and they sat there, with Ethan holding Tula, until all her tears had been exhausted and she could sit up straight. 

"," Tula said, smiling at Ethan. 

"You'll be fine soon," Ethan replied, "Go wash your face."

"Tula had just gone to the bathroom when Jay returned. Tula washed her face quickly and went out. 

"How are you doing?" Jay asked.

Tula avoided looked at Ethan as she said, "Good."

"I got your phone. Albey says hey and you have to call her as soon as you can."

"Thank you so much!!" Tula said, taking her phone and hugging him. 

"No problem. I know how it feels to lose your phone."

"Still, thank you!"

"It was my pleasure. Do you want to hangout with us today? It's Ethan's birthday tomorrow."

"Oh my god! Really?! I'd love to! I'll have to ask my mom though."

"Okay. Do you want me to drop you home?"

"Can you?"

"Sure. Ethan you coming?"

"Yup. What should I do home alone?"

"True that. Okay, let's go."


Soon they were in Tula's backyard, and Jay said, "Sorry, we have to leave. We haven't eaten yet and we need to clean up since you guys are coming over."

"Oh why didn't you guys tell me you haven't eaten?" Tula winkined at Ethan, "Get it?"

Shaking his head and laughing, Jay said, "Don't forget to ask your mom!"

"I'll ask right now and text you."

"Kay, see you later!"

"Yup! Bye guys!"

Tula walked in and found her mom sitting on the couch watching TV.  "Hey, ma!" Tula called.

"Hey Tula! Sleep well?" Her mom replied with a grin.

Laughing, Tula nodded and asked, "Can I hangout with Jay and Ethan in the evening? It's Ethan's birthday tomorrow."


"Okay, thanks!"

"Are you going to eat breakfast?"


Tula ate a bowl of cereal as she texted Jay and told him she could come. Then she went up to her room and took a nice long shower as she thought about Belle. She did remember her vaguely, but did not want to think about her. She could sense something bad about the lady, and was afraid to look further. Deciding that she would think about Belle later, Tula got out of the shower and changed into her favorite oversize T-shirt and shorts.

Tula then realized that she should probably make Ethan a birthday gift, and began planning it out. She worked on it right through her mom's calls for lunch, and didn't look up until her mom walked into her room and began yelling at her. Tula reluctantly got up and went to eat, not paying any attention to what she was doing as she kept thinking about how to make the card. She left her plate in the sink and went back up to her room, and worked on the card until her phone began buzzing. Annoyed, Tula picked it up, and Jay's face blinked up at her. She picked it up.

"When are you coming?"

"Be there in half an hour?"

"That's perfect. See ya!"

"Yup bye!"

Tula signed the card and finally went to get dressed. Not being the type of girl who liked makeup, she just slipped into her dress, put on some cream and lip gloss, called to her mom and left. She reached faster than she expected, and was the first person to arrive, judging by the fact that there were no slippers outside. Tula automatically tried the door before she knocked, knowing that Jay usually left the door open.

"Hey guys!"

"Tula!" Ethan exclaimed.

"You're early," Jay said.

"Yup. I walked pretty fast. Who else is coming?"


"Really?! It's so awesome that everyone was free today."

"I know! I'm so happy," Ethan said.

Just then, the doorbell rang, and the three teens raced each other to open the door. The house soon filled up, as more and more of their friends arrived. Suddenly, Albey yelled, "Ethan, Jay! Get over here!" from the hallway.

Ethan and Jay went over and saw Tula passed out on the floor.

Gifted #Wattys2015Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora