Chapter 18

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Adult Tula

Tula sat in her office, unable to think straight because of all the random thoughts swirling around in her head. She was so lost in thought that she didn't hear the knocks on her door until they turned into harsh banging. Jerking out of her reverie, she opened the door and found May/Lennor.

"Hey Tula!"


"Oh I forgot you can't tell us apart. I'm May. My phone isn't working and I need to talk to you, so I decided to drop in. Are you doing something important?"

"Oh no, not at all. Come on in."

May sat on the couch. "I spoke to my sister. We're leaving. I don't know where to. She said she had a lead, so we need to leave as soon as we can. I'm sorry, I'll catch up with you once I'm back in the area. I won't take long. Just a couple of months maybe."

"But you can't leave us like this! We're really confused!"

"I'm really sorry, but I'll have to explain some other day."

"I guess. All the best with whatever you're looking for."

"Thanks, I'll see you!"


As May walked out of the door, Tula wondered if she would ever see her again. Deciding that she would go talk to Jay, she went over to his office. Before she could lower her hand after knocking on the door (The security knew her well enough to let her in, no questions asked), the door opened. In front of her, stood none other than Ethan.

Tula stood there, surprised to see him again. She had thought he would still be in France, doing his art thing.

"Are you going to hug me or just keep standing there staring?" Ethan asked with a chuckle.

Tula hugged him, laughing too, and then stepped into Jay's office. "Hey Jay! Why didn't you say anything about him?" Tula asked, waving her arms at Ethan.

"Why do you think? He wanted to surprise you. We were just about to come over, actually."

"Great minds think alike," Ethan said, winking at Tula.

"Fools seldom differ," she responded, winking back. "It's great to see you again."

"Same here."

"Aren't you going to tell her the news?" Jay asked Ethan with a look that told Tula that she had to hear what Ethan had to say.

Tula looked up at Ethan expectantly, and the latter replied with a shy smile, "I'm getting married."

Tula was smiling like an idiot as she looked up at Ethan. "Congratulations! Do I know the bride?"

"Yes, in fact you do," Jay said, smirking at Ethan.

"Oh my god. It's Albey isn't it?!?"

Ethan nodded shyly.

"That's great!! I'm so happy for you two! Now give me a minute as I call Albey and yell at her for not telling me when I spoke to her this morning."

"It's not her fault. I told her and Jay not to tell you."

"Huh. Where is she?"

"At a conference. That's why we're here in the first place."

"Cool," Tula said.

"You mean.." Ethan was interrupted by his phone. Glancing at it, he smiled.

"Give me the phone!" Tula yelled as she grabbed it and picked up the call. "Hey Albey!! Congratulations!!"

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