Chapter 22

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Adult Tula

Tula was woken up by a loud clanging. She yawned, and stretched, too lazy to get up and investigate. She didn't have to. Albey came in, smiling, "Hey!"

"Hi Albey! What's going on?"

"You fell asleep on the couch yesterday as we were watching a movie. I slept over, and Ethan went to Jay's."

"I slept through that? Wow, I must have been really tired."

"Tula, in case you haven't noticed, you've barely slept in the past three days. Well, the guys are coming over in about five minutes, so you'd better get ready. We're going to see Lennor."

"Wow. I was totally dead yesterday. I'll go get ready. Are you cooking?"

"Actually, I was just eating peanut butter and bread, but I could make something for you if you'd like."

"No, it's fine. I want to leave as soon as we can."

"On one condition. You have to eat on the way." Not seeing a way around that, Tula agreed, and disappeared into the bathroom.


Ten minutes later, the four friends were almost at school. Apparently Tula had slept through all the planning, so when they reached, Lennor was waiting for them. They all walked into Tula's office together, in silence, and settled themselves in all the different chairs and couches she had, and look at her, everyone waiting for an explanation.

"Okay. Lennor, you're related to Mrs. Wentzell, right?"


"Can you tell me exactly how you guys are related?"

"She's my great-great-great-grandmom."

"Is your grandfather's name Henry?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I'll tell you in a moment. First tell me, what is your dad's name?"

"Samuel Miller."

"I knew it. Lennor, you're my niece."

"What?" Everyone said together. "How did you even figure this out?" Jay asked in surprise.

"Simple. I called my mom yesterday. I wanted to know more about Sam's daughter. You," Tula said, nodding at Lennor. "She said that she didn't know much. All she could tell me was that she was given up to an orphanage really young, and the only link Sam and Lucy had left for her until her fourteenth birthday was her name. She was to be named after her Lucy's mom. She was only to know about her real ancestors on her fourteenth birthday. I'm guessing you got to know on your fourteenth birthday?"

"It was yesterday."

"Wow. Great timing," Ethan said.

"Do you where my parents are, then?" Lennor asked.

"Oh sweetie, they're dead. They died last year. Their anniversary is in a week, actually."

"Lennor, I know it's hard to take in," Albey said, looking at the little girl who was on the verge of tears.

"Why did they leave me?"

"They were important people, honey," Tula explained, "They were constantly moving around, occasionally dropping off the radar to hide from enemies. Since they were one of the last remaining descendants of Mrs. Wentzell, they held a lot of power in our world. They didn't want to give their daughter a life like that, constantly moving and hiding. They wanted to keep her safe, and this was the best way for them to do so."

"Yesterday, you said something about something left behind that Lennor would uncover," Jay said, remembering the small details as usual.

"She should have gotten a box, on her fourteenth birthday. A locked box with a kind of funnily shaped keyhole."

"I did."

"Can I see it?"

It's in my bag," Lennor said, picking it up and digging into it. "Here," she said, handing a small wooden box to Tula. Tula undid the pendant she always wore, and wiggled it into the keyhole. After a couple of tense, yet excited seconds, the 'key' clicked and the box swung open. It was filled with ashes, and a small note folded up at the bottom.

This note is being read by my two worthiest heirs. It is only the two of you who can bring back the UCG. I could not pass it down to my direct descendants due to a conspiracy, but I know that you will find a way to rekindle the organization. The secret lies with Helen.

-May Wentzell

Tula finished reading the note out loud and was greeted with silence, with everyone staring blankly at her. Albey was the first to break the silence, "Who's Helen?"

"I think I know who she is. I had a friend named Helen, long ago. We used to live in the same apartment before I moved here in eighth grade. I could call her, she's about nine hours ahead of us. So, it's about 10 o' clock for her."

"Call her!"

Tula picked up her phone and dialed the number from memory.

Hey, it's Helen! Sorry I missed your call! Leave a voicemail and I'll call you back as soon as I can! Record your message after the beep. *beep*

"Hey Lennie, it's Tula! Loads has happened since I last spoke to you. I really need your help with something. Call me!"

Tula put the phone down and looked up at her friends and niece. "I guess we're going to have to wait for her to check her phone."

"But what if she's not the right Helen?" That was Jay, voicing what everyone was thinking.

"Well, it's just a hunch. I always thought she knew more than she let on, but I was too caught up with my things to figure out anything. Helen and I didn't talk much, but we would always start off right were we left off the last time we spoke."

"That doesn't prove anything."

"Her family has the tradition of naming the oldest daughter of every alternate generation Helen. Her grandmom was called Helen. The tradition started with her Great-Great-Grandmom, Helen-I."

"This is so complicated. Talk in English, please." That was Ethan.

"Helen-I might have been Mrs. Wentzell's partner. They started the tradition to give every alternate generation a chance to restart the organization."

"I think I get it," Lennor said, "Your friend is Helen-III, right?"


"It does make sense," Albey said, talking for the first time since the note. "They're all bits and pieces, but they fit together too well to consider them a coincidence. I think we should hold our hope until we talk to-"

She was interrupted by the phone ringing. "It's Helen!" Tula exclaimed, and picked it up.


A/N: Another chapter, done. I think this story is getting closed to being over, or at least I'm close to figuring everything out. Thank you guys for sticking with me!

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