Chapter 2

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Laura's POV

Dear Daddy,
I really, really miss you. It's been a year since you disappeared and I don't know where you went; one day you were here and the next you were gone. Mummy says you're safe now; in a beautiful place called heaven. Do you remember the day you left? I do; I remember it as if it were yesterday. I remember waking up the next day and rushing in to see you, but all I found was Mummy lying in a ball. Then I remembered, I kept wondering if you were ever going to come home. I don't know where this 'heaven' is but all I wish now is that you are safe and happy.
You are the world's greatest Daddy! We had your favourite dinner last night. I ate it all up, even though I don't like carrots. I learnt how to swim this summer. I can even open my eyes when I'm underwater. Can you see me? I can even swing on the swing by myself; even though I miss you pushing me. I miss how you used to tickle me! Tickle my belly! My belly hurts. I try not to cry; I know you don't like it when I'm sad. I try Daddy but it hurts; to know that you are never coming home. Maybe one day, I can meet you in heaven ok.
I love you Daddy, I love you so much,

I quickly placed the paper back in the file that I had placed it in 9 years ago. Beneath it was the drawing that I drew the day my Dad died. I silently laughed at my terrible drawing skills as I scanned over the page. I had drawn my father pushing me high on a swing. We used to go down to the park at the end of the street and I would always make my Dad push me on the swing. We could be at the park for hours until my Mum would come down and tell us that it is time to go home. I slipped the drawing back into the file and grabbed a clean piece of paper and my favourite pen.

Dear Daddy,
It's been ten years Daddy. I feel so alone without you, I remember when we used to go to out for drive-thru whenever Mum was away and the way that you would sneak up on me and attack me with tickles; we would both end up in fits of laughter on the floor. Why did you have to go that day? You weren't even meant to go to work; that's what Mum told me. She told me that you just went in to grab a file that you left there. You never knew that getting that file would end your life. I wish there was some way for me to change that; to go back in time and make sure that you didn't forget the file the day before, just so you could be here today. Mummy lets me sleep in one of your t-shirts; I think it still smells like you. Every day I hear people complain about how their father won't let them do something and all I can think is that they don't know how lucky they are. I know you don't want me to be sad I try not to be, I really do, but it hurts. Mum says that it will get easier but I don't think it will; I have nothing to distract me. Once a year, every year, the wound you left is opened by the dagger that cuts straight through my heart. Living without you is like living without part of me. Mum hasn't been much help; every time I bring you up she just shuts me out and then I find her going through pictures late at night. I started thinking about university. Do you think I could be a doctor? I know you will be there when I walk down the aisle. I try not to cry but it still hurts. I hope you know that you're my hero. Maybe you'll always be the one that I'm missing.
I will love you forever and always,

I scanned over the paper and placed it in the bottom of the file. I shut the file just as my Mum called me for breakfast.

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