Chapter 7

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Laura's POV

"Hey dad," I don't usually come here, I really only come on the anniversary, so I don't really know what to say.
"I see you got my text," I turn around to find Ross standing behind me. "So what's his story?" He says nodding slightly to my father's name.

"Well he was," Ross gives me a look, "is the best father I could've ever asked for. He has brown hair like me and he had the goofiest smile. I always looked up to him, he is my hero. He always made sure Mum and I were happy and if we weren't he would make us happy with one of those stupid dad jokes," I stop momentarily as Ross wipes a tear that I haven't noticed has fallen, "He worked here, he came in just to grab a file he had left in his office. I think the worst part of it all was the fact that he wasn't supposed to be there that day,"

"Everything happens for a reason, remember that. Your dad sounds like an amazing man and he sounds as though he loved you very much," he looks me directly in my eyes, "You'll be fine. I'm here if you're ever not. C'mon we gotta go." He says before grabbing my hand and pulling me away. I glance back and mutter,
"See ya dad." Ross leads me to a car he opens the passenger door and tells me to hop in. I follow his instructions and put my seatbelt on while Ross closes the door and gets in the back.

"Hi. You must be Laura. I'm Riker, Ross' eldest brother, I've heard a lot about you," he smirks looking at Ross before holding his hand out to shake.
"Riker!" Ross groans from the back.
I accept Riker's hand,
"Haha, hey Riker it's nice to meet you,"
Riker starts the car and puts the radio on.
"We better hurry everyone will be waiting at home."
"Everyone?" I question. How many people are we seeing and why are they waiting for me?
"You'll see," Riker answers while glancing at Ross through the rear-view mirror. I nod before glancing out the window.

Before I even realise it, we arrive at our destination which I guess is the Lynch family home.
"We're here," Riker announces while shutting off the ignition. Before I even have the chance to open the door, Ross is out of his seat and opening it for me.
"Thanks," I have never met a boy who is as much of a gentleman as Ross is, whenever there is a chance for him to do something for me he does it.
"Come on. In we go, my family really want to meet you," Ross grabs my hand and leads me to the front door where I am met by many smiling faces.

Apart from two people I suspect are his parents there are three boys and a girl standing in front of me the girl grins at me before grabbing my hand and pulling me inside, away from Ross' grip.
"Hi! I'm Rydel, Ross' sister, but you can call me Delly. I can tell by the way that Ross acts around you that we are going to be seeing a lot of each other and I can already tell we're gonna be great friends," she winks at me before turning me around to face the family and pointing to each person, "that's Rocky, Ryland, my mum Stormie and dad Mark. Oh and that's Ellington, he's a... family friend," she looks at her feet when she mentions Ellington and I look between them before dismissing any sign of a little spark exchanged between them.
"Uhh.. hey guys, I'm Laura but I guess you already knew that..."
"Oh darling, it's so nice to meet you," Stormie said.
"It's nice to meet you too Mrs Lynch,"
"There's no need for that, call me Stormie, sweetie," she smiles at me before looking down at her watch, "oh my stars! Look at the time, I must be starting dinner. You must stay for dinner Laura,"
"Oh I'm not sure. I'll have to check with my mum, I don't want to trouble you, you already look like you have a lot of mouths to feed."
"It's no trouble at all, the more the merrier. Well I'll leave you to it, if you need anything I'll be in the kitchen."
"Oh alright, I let my mum know. Thanks Stormie,"
"It's no problem at all dear," she said as she started walking towards the kitchen.

"So, Laura, what do you wanna do?" Rocky asked.
"Ummmm... I'm not sure, what is there to do?" I hate it these situations when you're the guest and they ask you what you want to do but you have no idea and don't want to sound impolite.
"Well we could play a game," A little smirk played on his face as he said this.
"Really Rocky?" Riker asked while shaking his head.
I looked between Rocky and Riker before deciding to go with the game, I didn't really want to make them stand here any longer.
"Sure, lets play a game,"
"Yes!" Rocky exclaimed, "ok, come on down to the basement and we can start Truth or Dare," the smirk reappeared on his face as he said the last part. Oh god! This is going to be an interesting game....

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