Chapter 6

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Laura's POV

I woke up and glanced at my clock, it read 6:28am.
"Ugh... why so early?" I lay back down and pulled the doona over my head in an attempt to get back to asleep. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to come over me... I opened my eyes again and glance at the clock hoping I had gone to sleep. The clock read 6:30am.
"Oh. It's no use trying to get back to sleep now may as well get ready for school..." I slowly hauled myself out of my comfy bed and into the cold morning air. I quickly chucked on some jeans and a shirt and grabbed my jacket before heading to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I walked over to the toaster and put my toast in. I grabbed my phone and quickly scrolled through Instagram and Facebook while waiting for my toast to pop. When my toast was ready I smeared some jam on it before grabbing my phone and walking back towards my room.
"Laura! What have I told you about not using a plate! You're getting crumbs all over the floor!"
"Yep. Good morning to you to mum." I say before quickly grabbing a plate to make her happy and the continuing my walk to my room. I shut my door and plugged my phone into my dock. The only good thing I got from waking up early is that I can listen to music before having to go to school. I quickly scrolled through my songs before deciding to just put it on shuffle. "Yes! I love this song! If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses. Sink me in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song..." Before I knew it my mum was calling me down to go to school.
"Yeah mum! I'm coming. Just a sec," I called while grabbing my bag and stuffing my books in just before pulling my phone off the dock and walking out of my room.

"Ehhhh! Laura!"
"Haha hey Raini. What's up?" I grab my books from my locker and shut it before turning to face Raini.
"Nothing much. Come on let's walk to class. We have maths first," she says pulling a face.
"C'mon Raini. Maths isn't that bad... I mean you get to solve things and Mr McMichael isn't that boring..."
"Really Laura? Really?" we always have this argument, "You should seriously stop lying to yourself," just as she finishes the bell sounds and we start running down the hall along with everyone else. We manage to get in the class and sit down right before Mr McMichael walks in, "Alright class, homework out and open up your books." Mr McMichael has the same routine for every class, he'll walk in asking for your homework then spends the rest of the lesson writing things on the board and having us copy it down in our books. I'm not sure if it actually helps us learn but it's definitely the most boring way of doing it. The bell sounds pulling me out of my thoughts, I look down to the notes I've made on Pythagoras' Thereom and reach for the sheet of homework that is on my desk.
"See ya Raini!" I call as I hurriedly leave the classroom to get to English. I rush down the halls, I hate being late to class especially English as it's my favourite. On the way, I glance down at the homework Mr McMichael had given us. Suddenly, I hit something and I drop my books, I bend down to pick them up.
"Sorry, I didn't see you," a familiar voice says. I look up to see a blonde mop of hair,
"Hey Laura," he says casually while handing me the rest of my books, "I told you I would see you around," he smirks. How did he know we went to the same school? I've never seen him before yesterday.
"How did you know..." I trail off confused.
"I've seen you round before," ok now I feel bad. How did he manage to see me, a nobody, around and I have never seen him, a blond, muscular, hot, probably popular guy, around?
"You better hurry, I know how much you love English and Miss Morgan will be waiting for you," he winks at me before heading in the other direction. I turn around, watching him leave, "See ya Laura," he says without turning around.
"See ya," I say quietly and slowly not sure if he heard I turn back around and run to class.

The rest of the day goes relatively fast, I haven't really been paying attention to any of my classes. I keep thinking about Ross, whenever I'm in the halls I am looking for him,
"Ok, look at me, what is it Laura? Who are you looking for?" Raini has a knowing look on her face,
"What?! I'm not looking for anyone..." I awkwardly trail off as I notice Ross come out of a classroom behind her. Raini notices and turns around,
"Laura..." she doesn't finish, "Oh I see. You like Ross Lynch, the new guy."
"He's new?" No wonder why I haven't seen him around. But then how does he know who I am?
"Yeah, he transferred from Chicago. Apparently, his dad got moved because of his job and his family followed him. I hear he has 3 brothers and a sister and he's the second youngest. There's also a rumour going round that all his siblings names start with 'R',"
"Woah! How do you know so much about him?!" I say astounded
"I do my research," she answers with a smirk.
"Hey Laura," I hear Ross say next to me,
"Oh, hey Ross," I feel my cheeks heat up and I look at my feet.
"Hi, I'm Raini, Laura's best friend. I hear you transferred from Chicago coz of ur dad and you have 4 siblings and their names all start with 'R' like you,"
"Raini!" I say appalled and embarrassed that my friend would say that.
"Haha hey Raini, I'm Ross. Yes I am Chicago, we did move here coz of my dad and I do have 4 siblings whose name start with 'R', their names are Ryland, Rydel, Rocky and Riker," Ross graciously answers, "Anyway, I was wondering if you would like to come over this afternoon Laura."
"Ummm.. well..." I stutter taken aback by his offer,
"She would love to," Raini answers for me.
"Cool," he simply says before walking off.
"What the hell Raini?!" I say as soon as he is out of hearing range.
"You'll thank me later," she smirks before saying, "Tell me everything when you get home," and walking off. I walk back towards my locker and pack my bag, as I lock my locker I realise I have no way of getting to Ross' house and I don't know where it is or when to get there. Just as I finish I feel my phone buzz, the notification reads
Ross - meet me next to your dad at 4 :)
Well that answered my questions, I looked down at my phone and saw it was 3:32, half an hour to get to Ground Zero. I walk out of school and make my way towards the subway while texting mum to tell her I'll be home late.

My Superhero (Raura)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt