Chapter 16

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Ross' POV

It's been three days since Laura and I started dating and they have honestly been the best days of my life. Laura is so sweet and considerate and generous and I've had so much fun spending time with her. I don't know why I waited so long but I'm glad I finally did it because I couldn't think of a better person to be spending my days with. I look over at Laura and just admire her hair and the concentration that is plastered on her face as she tries to complete the next level of Candy Crush.

"YES! Ross look I did it! I passed! Yeah! You don't know how long I've been on this level for, god I think it's been like a week."

"Well done babe, and it's been 20 minutes but a week is the same thing." Laura pokes her tongue at me in response,

"Whatever. Hey, I'm gonna go grab some food do you want anything?"

"Nah, I'm good"

Laura's POV

I stare into those brown eyes and scan over that perfect face, I can't believe that it's only been three days, it feels like a lifetime that we've been together, but the best lifetime ever. My thoughts are interrupted by Ross smashing his lips onto mine, god it never gets old, I could stay like this forever. My stomach rumbles interrupting our kiss,

"I should really get some food..." I whisper with a smile.

"Ok, but we will continue this later." Ross smirks as we pull away and I get off the bed and head out the door, all while keeping my eyes on him. When I've closed his door I bound down the stairs two at a time and turn the corner so fast that I bump right into Ellington.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you!" 

"Aha no worries Laur," he replies half-heartedly. I can't help but feel like something is wrong, Ell is usually bounding off the walls.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, just tired," Rydel walks in the room just as he answers and his eyes immediately lift from the ground to her. I smile, now I know what's wrong.

"Hey Delly, where are you going?"

"Hey Laur, oh I'm just heading to the mall? You wanna join me or are you to busy with my brother?" she winks at me then looks at Ell who is trying to pretend he's busy, "Hey Ell, you can come too if you want,"

"Oh, no it's ok, I'm busy anyway...Thanks Rydel," 

"Haha ok," Rydel just stares at Ell and I swear I can even see the sparks, she heads out the door but pokes her head back in and looks right at Ellington, "you're a terrible liar by the way," she smiles and closes the door behind her.

Ell slaps himself, "god why are you so awkward?" then I see the realisation as he remembers that I'm still here.

"I think I know what's wrong with you and you know what, you should go after her. She likes you too you know,"

"She does?" he looks at me dumbfounded.

"YES! OH MY GOD! You are like the only thing she ever talks about,"

"But what about her brothers?"

"Ok, I am sure that they will support you 100% but if you're so worried why don't you just ask them. Ross is in his room, I think the others are downstairs on the playstation."

"Ummmm... I don't know..." I sigh,

"Ellington, you cannot let your fears stop you," I push him towards the stairs, "Now go." He looks up and down the stairs, 

"Who should I go to first?"

"That's your choice," I say as I head back to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich.

Ellington's POV

"Ok, ok, just breathe you can do it" I whisper under my breath and then knock on Ross' door, I thought doing one brother first would be easier than doing three on the first go. 

"Yeah, come in," I slowly open the door and Ross sits up "hey dude, what's up?"

"Ummmm, well I have a question, I know this might be kind of awkward and everything, and I totally understand if you say no but I just need to ask coz Laura said I should and I guess that this probably could've been done ages ago but...' Ross interrupts me with a smile,

"Haha dude just spit it out!"

"Can I ask your sister out?" I say so fast," Ross' grin grows and he jumps off the bed,

"Lord took you long enough," he hugs me as he says, "of course dude," I let out a sigh,

"Thanks, now I just gotta ask the others..."

"You'll be fine, good luck," he says with a wink as a head out the door and make the trek down the stairs.

"Hey Ell!" Rocky greets without looking away from the screen. "You wanna join? This game is about to finish,"

"Uhhh, hey, oh nah it's all good, I just came down to ask you guys something." Rocky immediately pauses the game,

"HEY!" Ryland groans,

"Shhhhhhhh! Ellington wants to ask us something," he turns and smirks at Riker and Ryland.

"Well, ummm, I was just wondering if... well if..." Riker interrupts me with a smile.

"Yes you can date Rydel,"

"What, I didn't even... how did you know?"

"Because you two are the most obvious people ever except to yourselves so you better do it soon," the sound of the front door opens and Ryland cuts in,

"That's probably her now, this is your chance!"

I run towards the stairs and quickly shout a "Thanks!"

When I finally reach the top of the stairs Rydel is walking through the kitchen, "Hey, Del, could I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure," she says as she pulls out an apple and takes a bite.

"Well, I just asked all your brothers and they said it was ok but I was just wondering if... well if you would like to go out on a date with me," a few seconds pass and Rydel just looks at me in shock then she places her apple down and walks slowly towards me. She quickly wraps her arms around my neck and whispers in my ear,

"I thought you would never ask." 

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