Chapter 11

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Laura's POV

I woke up to a sharp pain in my temple. I was completely confused, I couldn't work out where I was or what time it was. Then I remembered, the party; the last thing I remembered was laughing with Raini and drinking something. Crap! Alcohol that's what I was drinking! Damn it did I get drunk?

I don't remember a thing that happened after that. I look around my room, how did I even get here? And then I see Ross slumped in a chair asleep,
"I guess that answers my question..." Ross begins to stir and I realised I really should've kept that to myself. I watch as Ross slowly wakes up and realises that I'm watching him.
"You're awake. You feeling ok?"
"Uhhhhh.... Yeah, except for the piercing pain in my head," silence slowly takes over the conversation, "what happened last night?"
"You don't remember?" Ross looks at me concerned, "woah you really did drink a lot."
"Oh no... Do I even want to know what happened?" I cover my face with my hands embarrassed about what I could have done last night.
"Don't worry, you didn't do anything crazy, I took you home before you could,"
"Does my mum know? How about your mum? Do they know I drank?"
"Yeah they do, it's ok they weren't mad just a bit disappointed but they got over it once I told them nothing bad happened,"
"Oh thank goodness," silence once again takes over as I try to piece together what really happened.
"Well I guess I better get home. Will I see you later?"
"Uh yeah I'll be over in a while," Ross stands and walks out the door while I try and fail to mould together the past.

It took me 2 hours just to get ready and over to the Lynch's. I still hadn't remembered anything from the party so I was hoping I would be able to find some answers there.
"Hey Miss Life-of-the-Party!" Rocky grabbed me with open arms while I just stood there baffled by his greeting.
"I told you she doesn't remember anything Rocky," Ross shakes his head at his brother, "hey Laura, your head any better?"
"Ummm yeah a bit," I was still staring at Rocky trying to figure out what he meant. The next thing I know I'm being squashed,

"Haha hey Delly,"
"Hey Laur! Did you have fun last night? Well I guess you did from what you did,"
"From what I did?"
"Oh you know, dancing on tables, having dance battles... Come to think of it you did a lot of dancing, oh oh and!"
"And?" I'm sort of worried about what else I could have done. My dance skills are really not that good and by the sounds of it a lot of people got to witness them.
"Well you know..."
"Well I know what?"
"You tried to-" I see Ross shoot Rydel a look before she stammers and says "t-to have a shot battle?"
"Was that a question?" I look between Ross and Rydel trying to figure out what just went on between them,
"No! Del is right, you tried to have a shot battle but I caught you just before and took you home."
"Oh; well thanks Ross," I shoot him a sincere smile.

Nobody seems to know what to say so we all just end up standing awkwardly together near the door.
"Sooooo guys what do ya wanna do?" Rocky tries to break the silence.
"LET'S WATCH A MOVIE!" A voice from upstairs shouts down at us,
"Was that Riker?"
"Uh yeah. He's up in his room,"
"Haha makes sense, well I guess we should watch a movie then. Which one?"
Rydel's arm shoots up,"Ooo Ooo Ooo! Pick me, pick me!"
"Ok Rydel. What do you wanna watch?"
"That was a bad idea," Rocky shakes his head, "I'm gonna go get Ell and Riker down," I notice that Rydel's head drops at the mention of Ell's name.
"Yeah me too," Ross turns and follows Rocky upstairs.
I'm left alone with Rydel staring at her feet.
"So what movie are we gonna watch Delly?" Her head quickly pops up and her face fills with excitement,
"We're gonna watch The Notebook!"
"I've never watched it. Is it good?"
"Is it good?! Laur it's like one of the greatest movies to ever exist!"
"Ok I'll take your word for it,"

The boys worked on getting snacks for all of us while Rydel and I set the movie up.
"So Del, is there anything you wanna tell me?"
"Ummmm like what?"
"Like what is going on with you and Ell?"
"Nothing, nothing is going on," she answers a little too quickly,"
"Hmmmm really? Then why do you always act strange around him or look away at the mention of his name?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"Del, I haven't known you long, even though it feels like forever, and somehow I am able to notice and yet he is completely oblivious,"
"It's coz he doesn't like me; we're only friends to him,"
"Woah you are nearly as oblivious as him. He likes you Del, he likes you a lot. You may not notice but the way you look at him is exactly the way he looks at you," Rydel begins to blush and can't seem to get rid of the smile that has appeared on her face.
"But what about you huh?" She raises her eyebrows at me,
"What about me?"
"You and Ross..."
"Are never gonna happen,"
"Oh come on! He likes you, my little bro likes you and he likes you a lot,"
"He does not! Why would he like me? And even if he did how do you even know if I like him?"
"The way you smile when he's around, the way you look at him, the way you completely light up when he walks in the room. It's just a tad obvious but so cute!"
"Hahahaha you're so funny!"

I try to slide the accusation off as if it's nothing but I know I've been fooling myself. I told myself I didn't like him and I honestly believed it but when Rydel mentioned those things I began to realise that she was right, I do all of them and I don't even notice.
"We will finish this later," Rydel whispers as the boys walk in with food. Ross sits next to me and Ell sits next to Rydel. I think about what Rydel said and smile; the movie begins and I lean my head on Ross' shoulder and I finally give into myself and admit that I like the guy.

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