Chapter 14

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Laura's POV

Rydel's exclamation caused me to pull back from the kiss. I looked into the brown eyes of the handsome boy that sat beside me and a smile crept onto my face.
"Ahhhhhhhhh! They're so cute!! Look at them!" I quickly turned to the source to see Rydel beaming and pointing at us. I chuckled and glanced black at Ross, he looked so happy.
"So Ross. What just happened?" Riker asked with a smirk plastered on his face. I watched the blood rush to Ross' face as he looked down at his hands.
"Well.. uh y-you dared me umm to,"
"Come on Ross! Spit it out!" Rydel interrupted, she's so impatient.
"Damn ok Del. Riker dared me to kiss the most beautiful girl in the room. So I did." now it was my turn to feel embarrassed. I couldn't believe he thought I was beautiful. Although would've been weird if he kissed anyone else since the only people not part of his family are Ellington and I...
"OH MY GOD! That's the cutest thing ever!!"
"Well nothing can really top that so I'm gonna watch a movie. See ya dudes." Rocky gets up but stops before the door. "Yo Ross, good job man." I feel an arm pull me up off the floor and towards the door,
"Come on, we gotta go finish my room!" I chuckled, Rydel was way too excited. I glanced back at Ross, he hadn't moved at all since our kiss.

Rydel slammed her door closed interrupting my thoughts.
"So what are ya thinking bout?" she wiggles her eyebrows at me.
"Oh shut up!"
"Nawww you're so cute! I can't believe he kissed you! You guys are so cute! Ahhhhhh I can't believe it actually happened!" realisation washed over me, Ross had kissed me! He liked me! He actually liked me! I never actually thought it would happen.
"Oh my god. He kissed me."
"Damn right he did and boy it was an intense one."
"Ahhhhhh Rydel!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!"
"There you go. Took you long enough. Now come on let's unpack this shopping and start to fix this room." she winked at me and began to rummage through the bags pulling out all the new items that we bought.
"Fine. Let's get to it." I tried to focus on helping Del with her room but I just couldn't get Ross out of my head.

Rydel's POV

We finally finished my room after 4 hours of arguing about where to put everything. It's not totally finished yet, I still have to decide if I want a new bed and if I should paint my room but for now it's wonderful. Laura seemed a bit distracted the whole time but I didn't really mind because she was so happy. I'm proud of Ross he finally did it and I couldn't be happier. They're the cutest.
"Woo glad we're done. Hey I'll be right back. Gonna go get some food then we can go to bed. You want some?"
"Mmmm," she was so happy. Her and Ross make the perfect couple. I looked at her as I closed the door, she was just sitting on that bed with the biggest grin in her own little world, it's so cute.

I bumped into Riker in the kitchen.
"Sooooo, how's Ross?"
"Completely lovestruck, all he has done is sit on his bed smiling after I dragged him upstairs. He literally hasn't moved."
"That's cute. Laura's the same, we've been redoing my room but she's been daydreaming the whole time. She's literally just sitting on my bed right now, not moving. It's cute but slightly weird."
"Yeah I get you. I hope they can actually get the guts to talk instead of just sitting there."
"Yes. Oh my god! They're so perfect!!"
"Anyway I should go check on Ross. Maybe get him to sleep or at least do something besides just staring into space."
"Yeah good luck with that. I'll get Laura to speak to him tomorrow. Night Rike,"
"Night Delly,"

Pretty sure convincing Laura to talk to Ross won't be hard seeing as how in love she is. I was getting ready to convince her as I opened my door but as I walked in I saw Laura lying down on my bed asleep.
"Well I guess it'll just have to wait til tomorrow then." I place down my water and tuck her into bed before getting changed and joining her. I'm so excited to see what happens next between those two.

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