Chapter 13

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Laura's POV

"Wow, that took ages! I didn't even realise you had that much stuff," I look at the piles of things in awe. Even though we had gotten rid of heaps they still took up half the room.
"Me either... I guess I never really got rid of anything," Rydel looks just as stunned as I feel neither of us ever thought there would be this much in her room.
"Well since that's done I guess we should start planning what you want to do to your room now," I break the silence and start picking up my things and heading out the door, "come on. What are you waiting for? We're going on a shopping trip," Rydel's face immediately lights up and she springs to life running out of the house to the car.
"Well that worked," I whisper under my breath before following her out.

Rydel and I spent hours wandering through the maze of IKEA. We were having so much fun picking out every aspect of her new and improved room that it surprised us when we were told it was closing.
"That was so much fun!! My room is going to look so good and I'm so happy that you're here to help me," Rydel had a giant smile plastered on her face as we walked back to the car.
"Awww Delly, I had heaps of fun too. Thanks for letting me help you," I grab her into a tight hug, "we have a lot more to do though so there's still heaps more time for fun,"
"Well since we have so much to do I was thinking you could sleepover. What do you think?"
"YES! OMG this is gonna be so good!"
"Well we better drop by your house then so you can grab your stuff," Rydel winks at me before hopping in the car.

We made our way back to the Lynch's once I had packed my things. Stormie was so happy I was staying that she hugged me for a solid 5 minutes. She only let me go to tell me that dinner was ready and she had to call the boys down. Rydel quickly seized her chance and grabbed my hand and pulled me to her room where we dumped my stuff.
"So, are you excited to see Ross?" Rydel smirked and raised her eyebrows at me. I mirrored her before saying,
"So, are you excited to see Ell?" Rydel immediately looked at her feet and blushed, "Nawwww you're so cute!" Our moment was interrupted by Rocky running down the stairs and into the dining room followed by Riker, Ross, Ryland and Ell.
"Well we gotta hurry if you want any food Laur, they're gonna eat it all and I'm hungry. Are you coming?"
"Yup, come on!"

Ross' POV

I haven't stopped thinking about what Riker said earlier. Was it really that obvious that I liked her? I've never felt this way about anyone. She makes me so happy, whenever I'm with her I feel as though there's nobody else in the world but us.
"Ross, Ross. ROSS!"
"Woah yeah what Riker?"
"You were thinking about her again weren't you," Riker smirked and looked at me expectantly.
"Maybe," I look down so he can't see me blushing.
"Well while you were daydreaming everyone went to the basement to play truth or dare. You gonna come?"
"Oh ah yeah sure I'm coming," I follow Riker downstairs and find everyone already seated and ready to begin the game. I can't help but look over at Laura, she just looks so beautiful sitting there talking to Rydel.
"Come on bro! Sit down we're waiting for you!"
"Ok ok! I'm coming Rocky God," I roll my eyes as a sit down next to him.
"Let the game begin," Rocky puts on the most mischievous grin I have ever seen as he says this. This game is gonna be interesting...

Rydel's POV

I do not like that grin Rocky has as he says,
"Let the game begin." but it doesn't matter because I get to spend however long this game goes on staring at Ell. He's so cute I actually can't deal. I manage to get away without taking part in the very intense game until Rocky, who has already made Ryland wear his pants backwards for the game and Riker drink a raw egg, chooses me.
"Do dare," I hear Rocky whisper, of course he wants me to do dare.
"Fine whatever, dare," I roll my eyes and await whatever horrible thing he is going to make me do.
"Ok I dare you to lick a bar of soap,"
"Seriously?! Ok you get the soap," Rocky quickly runs out of the room and comes back with a bar of soap. I grab it off him and quickly take a lick of it,
"Ewwwwww yuck gross, I'm going to get a glass of water or something to wash out my mouth!" I leave the room while trying to get the taste of the soap off my mouth.

Laura's POV

God the Lynch's take truth or dare really seriously. I'm glad that they haven't chosen me yet, it's mainly just been between the guys so it's just funny to watch. Rydel was taking forever washing out her mouth so Riker decided to take her turn.
"Ross, truth or dare?"
"Dare," Riker smiles directly at me and then leans over to Ross and whisper something in his ear. Rydel made her way back into the room and sat down next to me. I looked over at Rydel,
"Got that soap taste out of your mouth yet?"
"No it's so bad, it won't go away," Rydel's disgusted look. I was just about to say something when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to face Ross who was touching me before I could ask why he was there he leant in and kissed me. I was so surprised but a calmness quickly washed over me.

Rydel's POV

OH MY GOD!! I can't believe Ross did that! He just came over and kissed her!! AHHHHH!! I can't believe it!! They're so cute! Laura was obviously taken aback from his sudden action but that quickly changed. That one simple kiss rapidly changed into a full out make out session between the two.
"YAYAYAYAYAYAY RAURA!!" the two stopped what they were doing and just stared at each other while Riker, Ryland and Rocky turned and looked at me,
"Sorry I just couldn't keep it in anymore," I shrugged.

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