Chapter 17

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Laura's POV

It's been three months of absolute bliss with Ross, and ever since Ellington finally asked Rydel out we have gone on so many double dates it's crazy. I get up and look at my phone 8:12 September 2, one week until the anniversary. I have a feeling this year will be much better with Ross by my side, my mind drifts off, replaying all of the memories we have made together as I get ready and head over to Ross'. When I get there, Ross answers the door,

"Hey Laur," he hugs me and brings me inside, "do you want anything to eat?"

I smile, "Nah all I want is you,"

"Aha well I'm sure we can make that work," he smiles and pulls me in kissing me softly, before it can get any more heated Riker walks in,

"Woah dudes take it to the room, don't corrupt the sacred kitchen," Ross and I chuckle had I grab his hand moving towards his room, we hear Riker sigh as we're leaving "God couples." I smile and pull Ross into his room,

"So where were we?" and I roughly kiss him as he closes the door and I drop my bag to the floor. My hands trail up to his hair as our kisses become more heated and he leads me to the bed. We finally pull apart breathless and I just lie there with my head on his chest,

"Hey Ross,"

"Yeah Laur?"

"Well next week is... well it's the anniversary of dad's death and I was just wondering if you would be able to come with me to see him," Ross sits up and I look up to see that all the colour has drained from his face.

"Hey what's wrong? You don't look so good."

"Oh... ummm, nothing I just remembered I have to be somewhere. Go hang out with Rydel," he quickly stands up and heads out of the room, a few seconds later I hear the front door close,

"ummm yeah sure," I whisper. I get up and head towards Rydel's room in a trance. Did I do something wrong? All I mentioned was my dad but for some reason Ross looked like he saw a ghost. I knock on Rydel's door, still swimming in my thoughts,

"Come in," I open the door still not fully concentrating, 

"Laur!" she must have registered the confusion on my face because she immediately asked me what was wrong,

"Well, I'm not sure, it's Ross,"

"Did he hurt you because I swear to god," she says as she begins to get off her bed,

"Oh no no no! He wouldn't dare," I quickly answer and sit on her bed.

"Ok good. So what is it?"

"Umm well, next week is the anniversary of my dad's death,"

"Oh I'm sorry Laur,"

"Thanks but that's not the problem... so I brought it up with Ross and I asked him if he would be able to come with me to pay tribute to him and Ross completely changed, he tensed up and he left the house and I don't know what I did. Did I do something wrong Delly?" I look at her and a frown has been plastered on her face. "Delly?"

"Ok, firstly, you did nothing wrong so don't beat yourself up ok?" I nod. "Ok so, nobody knows why or what happened but for some reason Ross was there,"

"Where? 9/11?"

"Yeah, he was in the World Trade Centre, he was supposed to be at home and I honestly have no idea how he got out or made it there especially being so young but he was there. When we worked out he was missing we honestly had no idea where to look, there were people everywhere and roads were blocked and my parents were hysterical, especially mom, but then the door opened and there he was, covered in dust and with small cuts all over his body I'm guessing from falling debris. We were all in shock and he didn't say a single word, all he did was come up and give every one of us a hug and when mum asked where he had been he pointed to the TV where we had the news on. Every year around the anniversary he clams up, nobody can speak to him, nobody can do anything, he locks himself in his room and he goes out at random times without saying a word and when it's over he acts as if nothing happens. I thought this year would be different with you being here, you make him so happy, but I guess he just can't get over this."

I just sit there in shock. He was there. Ross was there. And he didn't even tell me. Tears begin to fall as I try to comprehend everything Rydel has just revealed.

"Hey, hey Laur it's ok," Rydel says as she wipes my tears

"He didn't tell me," I whisper and look up at her,

"It's ok, he has never told anyone, and none of us have been able to work out what happened that day. Just take it easy with him and let him know you're here for him, I know you're both hurting but you just need each other right now."

"Ok," I nod.

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